Hair today

My hair is longer than it has been for decades. I’m quite happy with it, except it’s a lot more bother to look after than the short style I’ve had for some while. My hairdresser went on maternity leave about a year and a half ago and then moved house once the baby was born. Another woman was looking after me temporarily – but the former one has got a job nearer to her new house, so I still have the very nice girl, but she’s not quite as good with my hair. So I need to know what I want her to do to tell her, and I don’t.

This is me now, which you can compare to my wedding photo, four and a half years ago on the sidebar. I love having longer hair again and I don’t actually care if it’s age-appropriate, but I don’t want to look messy and it does blow around rather. I haven’t got an appointment yet anyway and it’ll be six weeks or so, which I hope will give me time for inspiration.

Pugsley has lent me his outgrown guitar, which suits me much better than Tim’s full size one and I’m starting to enjoy myself. I need to put in a week or two of hard work, as well as getting back to the drawing, so it’s as well that I’ve got a fairly free week coming up.

2 comments on “Hair today

  1. allotmentqueen

    Comparing the two photos, I’d say I prefer the fringe that you had at your wedding. I think it softens the look, and it’s quite easy to cut a fringe yourself.

    1. Z Post author

      Eek, cut my own hair? I wouldn’t dare. But I do have a photo of me a few years ago, when I did have a fringe and a fairly relaxed style and I like that, so I’ll show her that.


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