Ok, positive things only –
Dora bought me some gorgeous white lilies last week which are now in full bloom. I’ve removed the stamens because the pollen stains so much, so they are wonderfully pure white and smell delicious.
I’ve finally accepted that my old printer isn’t going to work any more and have ordered a new wireless one. Hooray! – I’ve wanted a new printer for ages, but am far too frugal to get one until the old one packed in.
My friend Bobbie (Tim stayed with her over my first blog party and Mike and Ann have done so a few times too) says she will be happy to take surplus eggs for her B&B guests. I must drop a couple of dozen up to her tomorrow.
I LOVE lilies, they smell so fantastic. Lucky you!
I hope your new printer is not HP, I have two, both of which verge on the fragile – like, I’m not going to talk to YOU.
And good that you’ve got an egg taker, those girls love you and will be producing loads – and there is a limit to how many cakes you can force on your grandchildren.
They have been going strong for a week and they aren’t all out yet. I’ve taken a picture, which is up on Facebook (probably rather dark, it’s artificial light of course)
It’s Epson, which I’ve found pretty good in the past. It has good reviews, fingers crossed.
I can’t ever manage all the eggs, though it’s nice to have some as presents. I gave cake to the chickens today, I can’t even use all I bake!
Do I spot a circle here? Lay egg – bake cake – eat cake – lay more eggs – bake more cakes ……