Fresh coops and pastures new

i’ve been spending the last ten minutes or so looking for a past post. I didn’t find it, but the search words I put in lead me to some lovely exchanges from friends, some of whom I’ve lost touch with. It’s so often said that comments make a blog, and that’s true and I don’t get that many comments any more and, I know (because I’ve just been reading old posts) I don’t write as engagingly as I used to. Damn.

Anyway. On I go, regardless. The baby chickens have not yet outgrown their coop, but they will soon, and they’re still small enough to be easy to catch. So I asked LT to help me move them today. First we moved the bigger coop itself, because it’s been in place for a fortnight and the grass has grown considerably, and then we tackled the babies. It quickly became apparent that Mummy Canasta was in the way, so I picked her up and put her in the bigger coop. Then, having blocked off the way from the enclosed sleeping area to the bigger outdoor space, I grabbed chicks and, with LT’s help, popped them in a high-sided box. It was simples, darling, it couldn’t have gone more smoothly. The big coop had a roof, in three sections but with none of them open to fresh air. So Tim removed one of the areas and replaced it with chicken wire. It’s noticeable that this space is where they spend most of their time. All is well, they’re happy.

Eloise cat is protesting more each day about being kept in. But on Monday, she will start to taste freedom. Thank goodness! We’ve all done really well, it’s not been easy for any of us; but it’s worth it for a full recovery. Tim says, you can’t explain to a cat. Remembering back to my hip replacements, I was frustrated but knew that my limitations were for good reason and that they’d end. Poor little Eloise’s life has changed for the worse and she doesn’t know why and she doesn’t know that she’ll regain her freedom soon. I hope freedom will be sweet when it comes.

2 comments on “Fresh coops and pastures new

    1. Z Post author

      We spent a long time, over an hour and a half, pottering round the garden with her this morning. I brought her in when she started limping – her leg isn’t completely better yet.


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