I have only just realised how much weight Ben has gained. I don’t think it’s my fault directly: Russell has been trying to disguise from me that he hasn’t been eating much, so has sneaked a lot of food to the dog under the table. And Ben has a thick coat and I haven’t noticed – still, up to me to put the poor animal on a diet.
We had booked a visit to a local stately-ish home, but it wasn’t until yesterday evening that R decided that he felt well enough to come. A scurry round this morning, I had to feed R, Ben, the tortoises, the chickens and (a bit of an afterthought) me before leaving at 9 o’clock. All went well, though R wasn’t strong enough to walk round the gardens, so sat in the sunshine while I did. R is nearly 18 years older than I am, but I’ve never been conscious of it until now – not that a health matter should be confused with an age one and I suppose we’ve both been lucky until now.
I nearly hit a couple of deadlines, but caught and spun those plates in time. Another one is starting to wobble…I’ve until 11 tomorrow morning, I think I’ve finished for tonight. Cheery-bye, darlings.
Sleep well : )
Great news that Russell was up to an outing.
Good luck keeping those plates spinning.
If an hour and a half’s sound sleep counts…
Hope Sir B is feeling ok, Liz. Love to you both.
Sir B is fine thanks. His scan appointment has come through already; it’s not for another 3 weeks but I had expected to wait longer than that.