It’s just choice I want, and I realise that there’s a limit to what I can expect from a free service.
Anyway, what you will have realised it that we’re a two-dog family for a couple of weeks. The first night went well, the only drawback being that my bedroom windows start at knee height because the ceiling is low. So I couldn’t leave the window open in case Rupert jumps out. We’d already decided he couldn’t sleep downstairs with Ben, they’d play all night and Roop might whimper for his family. So we didn’t sleep a whole lot, but only because we were so hot – if it is as muggy tonight, I might move into the spare room where the windows are much higher.
What is it with puppies and paper? I had a clean tissue on my lap – I’d just used it to wipe a mark from the screen and Rupert jumped up to say hello and stole it. He and Ben are demolishing it on the carpet now.
Ben has an appointment at the vet’s for a vaccination this afternoon. It’ll be fun getting him into the car on my own.
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