Day job hat on, slightly askew

The catalogue for out next sale in a month’s time is up now – linked on the sidebar under ‘The Day Job’ if you’re interested.  The Sage is happily phoning people to tell them all about it.  Listening to him, I found myself muttering “I do love you” – good job he didn’t hear, not the sort of thing you want to say to a chap too often.  Have to keep them on their toes.  Remember that there’s the one who kisses and the one who proffers the cheek.

Or the two who snog.  Heh.

Anyway, the app I’m working on at present is road signs – actually, I probably should have gone for the whole highway code, but that will come, I think.  I like the learning and testing sorts of apps.  I’m fine with roadsigns, until it comes to unexpected stuff on trams.  Not too many trams in East Angular and how should I know?  Reminds me of driving in Belgium, when all the road signs were in Flemish and I couldn’t understand a word of them.

It looks as if there might be a whole family get-together for Sunday lunch, will be highly jolly – a whole tableful of us.  We’re having pork, which is splendidly un-Easterish.  In view of the weather, which is bloody awful (though nowhere near as bad here as in many other parts of the country), I hardly think that Spring-like food is quite the thing.  The greenhouse is doing all right, though I haven’t opened the propagator, except a corner to check things, for three days.  It all wants watering soon, but a drenching in icy water isn’t going to cheer up the seedlings much, so I’ll wait until the sun shines for a bit, at any rate.

Most of the veg garden beds are weeded and manured – yes, cutting it fine before planting time.  *Shrugs* – you got an issue with that?  No, of course not.  After all, you’re kind.  Aren’t you?

9 comments on “Day job hat on, slightly askew

  1. Dave

    I keep a full watering can in the greenhouse, so the water’s always warm. But one watering can wouldn’t work for the size of your greenhouses, would it?

  2. Christopher

    I don’t think I know anyone whose garden, of whatever size it may be, isn’t just that bit too big for the gardener to encompass.

    Enjoyed the catalogue, by the way. Maybe one day we can do business? Does the Sage ever deal in e.g. pastille burners?

  3. Z

    I keep a full can of water in the greenhouse too, Dave – but it’s still very cold in there. The propagator is much warmer, but still not as warm as I’d like it to be.

    He doesn’t auction them, Christopher, but he knows a lot about them. His mother had a collection of pastille burners. He sometimes thinks that he’d like to have the occasional auction of other items but he’s not been able to work out how to make it financially possible.

  4. mago

    I heared that one or another bishop accidentially baptized a pig to the name of fish, so fish on Fryday was no problem, but it’s really hard to find a kosher swine these days …

  5. zIggI

    since when don’t plants/seeds like cold water? Can this be true? What about rain? That’s damn cold (round here anyway and especially today) but has never stopped the weeds in my garden growing and indeed the mud grows daily.

  6. Z

    It’s not easy, Mago – however, I understand that any piglets born on 1st April are kosher by definition, and termed poissons d’avril.

    Depends on the plants, Ziggi. If aubergines and chillies grow wild in your garden, it’s certain that they don’t mind cold water. In mine, they need TLC.

  7. mago

    Oui, mon chere, excuse me please, it took a while. I simply was so focused on the sheep thing, that everything else became meaningless. But it’s over now. Yes.


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