Curate’s egg

I didn’t fill in the feedback form after the meeting – for one thing, I had to run to catch my train.  For another, I didn’t quite know what to say.  Good in parts, perhaps?  Not quite excellent, even so.

I had about 500 yards to scurry to get back to Russell Square, then into the lift, then onto the platform.  The train was just coming in – one stop to Holborn.  Several corridors to hurry down, then three minutes to wait, anxiously.  I’m not good at cutting it fine.  Four stops and then four minutes to four, I excused myself past people and rushed on to the concourse at two minutes to.  I got on the train on the first carriage as I couldn’t run any more.  Through three First Class carriages and past the buffet and then joined a queue.  The man in front of me made a humorous comment, can’t remember what, when he heard me pant.  He grinned, I replied amicably.  Standing room only, but I was able to lean against a luggage rack and I read my downloaded book until Colchester and then sat down.

It wasn’t that interesting a meeting it seems, if I’ve a lot more to say about catching a train than about the previous five hours.

Tomorrow, I’ll mostly be making meringues.

7 comments on “Curate’s egg

  1. Anonymous

    Hi Z. I’m sitting at the bar in departures at Toronto airport reading about your adventures over the last couple of months. I see that you’ve got another blog gathering coming up. We really enjoyed last year’s but probably can’t make it this time around. Hope it goes well.

  2. Z

    I know, Martina, I couldn’t even have walked quickly. I thought of it at the time with great appreciation.

    It was Nadfas, not school, BW.

    Bill, I love to think of you reading my blog at the airport. Sorry we won’t see you and A this time, hope to another. Another two absent friends to raise a glass to.

  3. mig

    I bet you’re brilliant at cutting it fine unless you have to deal with the underground. On those rare occasions when I go to London I allow all day for the underground part and five minutes for each place I want be at.
    (but that’s probably because I’m not used to London – which is why I still love going there : )


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