I have got the mother and two kittens. I had a third, but it got away. I’ve only got a single trap, which is set but, at best, I’ll get one of the two remaining overnight. It is not at all good, I feel awful.
Jamie and Stevo are coming to help in the morning and we’ll take the three or four to the vets then. After that, I’ll have to try to catch the remaining kitten. Unfortunately, its stomach won’t be empty, so it’ll have to wait for its operation – assuming I catch it.
I’ve no heart to write more, I don’t expect to sleep a lot tonight. The design of the single trap won’t let me put a cat caught in it into the other trap, sadly, or I’d be in a much better situation now.
Gloves on in the morning, I reckon.
Catching cats in this situation is awful. You absolutely hate to destroy the trust the wild things have developed for you. But it will all hopefully be done in a few days and you will have done the best you could do for them.
Thank you, Glenda – so far, so good, just one kitten left to catch and the others are all back and well.