Blimey, I’ve been working hard. This must be what it’s like to be other people. I did take a couple of hours off this morning to take in a lecture on Faberge, but as I kept going until 11.30 last night and started again at 6 this morning, I felt entitled. I woke up at 4.20, by the way, and would be feeling a bit twitchy by now if not for the calming and restorative effect of half a bottle of Rioja.
I did avow my intent for a nap this afternoon, but I didn’t get around to it. I was planning an early night, but I see that Mad Men is on at 11.20 or something. Is that a new series or a repeat? I watch television so irregularly that I don’t know at all what’s going on. I’m trying to watch Episodes, however because it is, rarely, a comedy that is funny (I don’t mind sweary, though I have to apologise to the Sage a bit).
There’s a lot happening, in regard to family, my business, the Sage’s business and school. I am keeping up together, except for the Nadfas stuff, for which the deadline is Friday. That’s all right, I’ve been keeping tomorrow morning. Housework and gardening aren’t happening, of course, but I don’t care much about that.
I’m a bit hyper. Sorry.
No, come on, what shall we talk about? I looked at my phone for inspiration and discovered an email I haven’t replied to. Oh damn. Sorry.
Tomorrow afternoon, I’m babysitting Zerlina. I haven’t seen her for ten days, so it will be lovely. She has finally left behind nappies and is wearing Big Girl’s Pants. As am I, so we’ll have something in common.
Are you lot heading to the Dam before the end of March?
Ooh, sorry love, I still don’t know. Guilt-ridden on seeing your comment, I phoned, but she’s out. She is talking about coming here about Easter time, so I suspect she’s forgotten, but I’ll see what she says when I catch her in.
Your comment on Big Girls Pants made me laugh. Thank you. xxx
I think I must be tired, for 48 hours I haven’t been able to think of anything to comment here.
Z, you stand alone. There is none like you. Who else could polish off half a bottle of Rioja at 4.20am? Where next? Café militaire for breakfast?
Anything I can do to make you laugh is a good thing, Roses! Although I seem to have exhausted Dave.
Chris, my love, I did say “by now” at 8.47pm. Red wine is far too heavy for breakfast. One drinks champagne at breakfast, white wine at lunch and gin at tea before uncorking the red at dinner time. My preference is for whisky in the evening, but I suppose cognac is truly correct.
I know you did, Z. I’m deliberately making mischief, tho’ I do feel your drinks catalogue was (surely unintentionally) flawed by the omission of a light Sauternes for cleaning one’s teeth. One’s own teeth, that is; for dentures I’d recommend a vintage Cilit Bang.
*holds wrist out to be slapped*
Sauternes, really? I use vodka, normally.
*sees outstretched wrist, automatically holds out glass of wine*
You need a break.
Are you going to give me one, Simon?
I’m not sure I put that quite as I meant it to read. However, as a gentleman, you won’t put an uncivil interpretation on that comment, will you.
I had a glass of Beringer White Zinfandel the night before last:oI