Phil just rang. His and Weeza’s baby girl was born earlier this evening – a couple of hours ago, he’s a bit hazy as to the time. All’s well, although it was a bit tricky as she was facing the wrong way and so in the end Weeza needed an epidural and a forceps delivery. She weighed 6 lbs 3 oz so it was just as well that she wasn’t induced any earlier.

They expect to come home tomorrow.

Update Baby was born at 10 pm. So to phone not much more than an hour later is devotion to soninlawly duty indeed.

25 comments on “BABY

  1. martina

    Welcome to the world Buttercup! Congratulations Zoe, on your new granddaughter. Please do post photos of her if okay with Weeza and Phil.
    Champagne and strawberries for breakfast are definitely in order.

  2. Z

    Thanks – Martina, you have an excuse for writing at 3am our time, but what are you doing reading blogs before 5.30 in the morning, Badge?

  3. Z

    Decadent is us, dear boy.

    We were the first people he rang. He didn’t leave Weeza and the baby until then, and just popped out to ring us and his parents before going back to say goodnight. Also, to be fair, I rang Al and Dilly, texted my sister and sent an email before I wrote this.

  4. Wink

    Popped a bottle in the fridge to celebrate this evening! Must admit I wet the baby’s arrival with a few tears of joy! Lots of love to all – lovely to speak to you this morning, little sister.

  5. Z

    I’m called Little Buttercup — dear Little Buttercup,
    Though I could never tell why,
    But still I’m called Buttercup — poor little Buttercup,
    Sweet Little Buttercup I!

    I’ve snuff and tobaccy, and excellent jacky,
    I’ve scissors, and watches, and knives;
    I’ve ribbons and laces to set off the faces
    Of pretty young sweethearts and wives.

    I’ve treacle and toffee, I’ve tea and I’ve coffee,
    Soft tommy and succulent chops;
    I’ve chickens and conies, and pretty polonies,
    And excellent peppermint drops.

    Then buy of your Buttercup — dear Little Buttercup;
    Sailors should never be shy;
    So, buy of your Buttercup — poor Little Buttercup;
    Come, of your Buttercup buy!

    Charming as it is in itself, you can see why I’m doubtful about it as a name for my baby granddaughter – I don’t want to think of her as Buttercup the Bumboat woman. And I used to know a cow called Buttercup.

  6. Z

    HMS Pinafore, I should have added. I was rather brought up on Gilbert & Sullivan.

    I am a little drunken. I have imbibed.

  7. Dandelion

    Well, I can’t see what’s wrong with treacle and toffee. If that’s the song, I’d say it’s lovely. I must have missed the bumboat part.

    On the other hand, I can see how the cow connotation could be problematic.

    I look forward to finding out what your imagination comes up with instead.

  8. luckyzmom

    Over joyed for you, remembering how emotional it was for me when my daughter had her first. And that reaction didn’t change when she had her second.


  9. Z

    Bumboat woman was her profession; a dockside vendor. She was described as the “rosiest, roundest, and reddest beauty in all Spithead” which can’t be bad.


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