I went to the AGM of the Common Owners tonight, which felt quite exciting as it was the first time ever. Not that the meeting was exciting, you understand, though it was interesting. I said to LT on my return, I seem to understand quite a lot about the maintenance of agricultural land upkeep from an ecologically sound point of view (basically, if you care for it and don’t exploit it, there’s a good chance you’ll get an EU grant in recognition of your reduced yield), though I don’t flatter myself that it makes me a more interesting person.
I also received the programme for Snape Proms in the post, which is one of the little highlights of my year. In the days when I couldn’t get away on holiday, concerts at Snape were my holiday. More recently, I haven’t gone to as many, but I still love it there. LT is thumbing through the programme now, in fact. I suggested he mark anything he likes the look of and then I’ll do the same and then we’ll talk about it… though we have other plans for August too, so we’ll have to see how the timing goes. Not that I’m big on looking ahead, on the whole. Impulsive and mercurial, is how I like to portray myself.
That’s nonsense, of course. But it’s how I like to portray myself.