A sidestep

Not a real post, and I can’t remember the Greek alphabet at present. Normal (ho ho) service will be resumed later or tomorrow.

I developed a migraine within a minute or two of waking up this morning. I didn’t have any pills upstairs and I’m reluctant to walk unshod as I walk funny, so I dressed, so it was 10 minutes or so before I took Migraleve. Sadly, that meant it didn’t work. Now, I’m just starting my 3rd migraine of the day. I’m working through it though, it doesn’t help to give in. If I did, I’d have to go to bed for at least 2 hours and I’d still feel fragile all evening.

Still, lucky it didn’t happen yesterday. I couldn’t have driven like this. Fortunately, I touchtype so not seeing properly isn’t a problem.

14 comments on “A sidestep

  1. Z

    Thanks, I think the worst is over. Fortunately, I only normally get the straightforward ones, not the 3-day sort that make you really ill.

  2. Four Dinners

    loadsa (((((((hugs))))))) babe

    I pal of mine suffers occasionally. He has to retire to a dark room and lie down. The alternative is he falls over. Bad business.

    Be well x

  3. Completely Alienne

    I do hope the migraine has gone by now; I have never had one but I do know how awful they are because my husband used to get them (we used to have a discussion about whether I should be calling him an ambulance through a pillow each time) and now Lenin seems to be prone to them to.

  4. Z

    Nearly gone, thanks. My mother used to get dreadful ones and sometimes the doctor had to be called to give her a knock-out injection. Ro’s occasional ones are as bad. Mine are infrequent and I don’t get sick any more and usually keep busy and refuse to acknowledge them as sufficient distraction defeats all but the worst.

  5. Fellow sufferer

    Trust all’s well by now Z, but you might like to try Tiger balm gently massaged on the temple’s in future…it’s magic!

  6. Z

    I have a memory of Tiger Balm, I know I’ll recognise it when I smell it. Thank you, I’ll buy a jar (or tin?) and give it a try.


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