A few random sentences

It’s just as well that Ro didn’t come over for supper after all, because I didn’t finish work until after 6 o’clock.  He’s coming next weekend, when Dora will be able to join him.

The Sage is having another evening on the phone, with the result that we’re in separate rooms again.  At least I can listen to music.

Phil and Weeza have invited us over for lunch tomorrow, which will be very jolly.

There is a fruit fly wafting itself about in front of me.

I’ve been wearing my new glasses to type.  It’s not an unqualified success – all right if I’m simply typing, but if I’m reading notes to type from then I have to take them off or I get a headache.  I suppose it’ll make it easier to read music,  at least if the print is small.  There’s a limit to how close you can lean towards the music stand with a clarinet in the way.

At last the Sage was off the phone.  I was just going to finish writing and go and join him – and then the phone rang again.

Anyway, I did book our flights (Wink’s and mine, that is) yesterday.  We’ll be away from 3rd to 17th April.

5 comments on “A few random sentences

  1. 63mago

    Ah yes, the telephone … I (think I) really understand what you say, sometimes I am “phoned out” of company too. But I installed a phone-free hour between 18:00 and 19:00; I normally cook for 18:00, and after the dessert there simply must be some time of quietness and relaxing on the sofa; afterwards calls are welcome again, while I take care of the kitchen and humbly stroll to my desk.

  2. Z

    If we remember, we switch the phone off during mealtimes, but the Sage cannot leave the answerphone to pick up, he always has to reply. And he’ll break off a conversation with me if he wants to make a phone call, it doesn’t even occur to him that it’s rude!

  3. Roses

    I’m putting off buying reading glasses. That’s why I have the Kindle…I can make the typeface bigger. When necessary I borrow Lawrence’s. Vanity, all is vanity.

    I confess that as I’ve aged, I dislike telephone conversations more and more. I say what needs to be said and that’s that. I’d rather meet up for a leisurely coffee.

    Speaking of which are you available week after next? Fancy a coffee? A scone?

  4. mig

    A fiddle gets in the way too and I think I need to get new music/computer glasses. Bother.
    Fruit fly! Spring!
    Flights booked and everything – you must be so excited.

  5. Z

    I can read the smallest print without glasses, that’s one advantage of being shortsighted!

    I’d love to – I’m free on Monday morning, any time Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon.

    I am, Mig, I’ve got to haul out clothes and list what I have to buy – mainly heavy-duty (but non greasy) sunscreen and mosquito repellent!


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