Still turning out, but I’m getting to the stage of putting away now. I’ve found all sorts of things. Alex’s exam certificates for example. My address book, which I may have mentioned already. Books I’ve been looking for for a while, too. I was particularly pleased to find Madhur Jaffrey’s memoir, Climbing The Mango Trees, which I recommend highly. However. there’s still some way to go and I’m a bit bored now.
Bored with that, I mean, not in general terms.
One of the other things I found was – well, several, so were – copies of the splendid late magazine, Tough Puzzles. I used to love it and, at one stage, had three subscriptions going, for myself, Ronan and Alex. I found a completed copy and showed it to Tim. He was frankly bemused by the arithmetical puzzles, having an aversion to such things – though he’s vastly better than I am at wordy things. Anyway, I also found a few copies that were almost unstarted. so I’m going to have a wonderful time wondering how the hell I ever managed to do anything so difficult?
LT wondered how I knew which letter of the alphabet corresponded to a given number – e.g., 15=O, 18=R, 4=D. I learned ages ago, I explained. The children and I had a game, one of us spelled out a word, or series of words, by their numerical equivalent (so cat was 3-1-20) and you won by getting the word or phrase quickest. I could, effortlessly, talk in number equivalents – and, as I explained this to him, I appreciated how weird I was then. I spent decades doing this sort of thing for fun. I don’t actually understand me.
Shouldn’t 17 = Q?
Whoops! Better change that – sorry for making nonsense of your comment.
At least I know where you’re coming from!
Sorry I was going to do a more complicated response in numbers but it was getting to be hard work 🙂
Hahaha! – to paraphrase.
The very start of any cipher !
Well, it’s hardly Bletchley…