Z stays calm

Wink’s wallet was at the Post Office, where she had forgetfully left it yesterday. So that’s all right. Things usually turn up and we didn’t over-react.

I’m starting to plan for my trip to Italy. It isn’t planning as Dave knows it – he’d have his euros bought, his bag ready to pack and all the rest by now and I haven’t yet opened the envelope containing tickets and inventory. Indeed, I wonder where I’ve put it. My planning is in my mind. I’m mulling over the clothes I might need – does anyone happen to know what the weather might be in Bologna at the end of April/early May? I’m rather thinking, since I’m flying with British Airways, that I might take the luxury of travelling light with no check-in luggage, but that means getting my clothes right. I do have to get stuff planned rather earlier than usual though, as it’s our auction next Friday, I’m going to babysit for Weeza and Phil on Sunday (26th, not this Sunday) and then Weeza’s going to take me to catch the coach on Monday morning. In effect, my best day to do things is Wednesday. Which is a bit early really. Anyway, I’ve made a start – I’ve checked that my passport is where I thought it was. I like to pack everything at the same time, otherwise I fuss that I’ve forgotten something and have to unpack it all to check. I don’t like fussing.

Looking at the final sentence of each paragraph, I realise that I’ve given clues to my Inner Self.

8 comments on “Z stays calm

  1. Dave

    I was in Rome a couple of years ago at around this time. It was reasonably warm – but very heavy rain one day.

    I don’t actually pack my bag until the last minute, but put clothes/passport/tickets etc on a spare bed during the week beforehand, as I remember that I’ll need them, so I know they’re all there.

  2. Z

    My mother never let a potential drama slip past without turning it into a major crisis. She used to find my under-reaction very annoying. I suspect, if you examined past posts, you might find a preponderance of cosy endings – the antithesis of tears before bedtime.

    Welcome back, Sheer A, good to hear from you.

    Dave, do I tell you often enough that you have a lovely nature?

  3. Anonymous

    I was in Bologna/Ravenna a couple of weeks ago and it was already “English summer” weather!
    I was in Norway this week too and it was warmer there than it was here, so you cannot always predict a climate by its latitude.

  4. Z

    Thank you Bill. Mind you, I lived in Lowestoft for nearly 30 years and I know that it’s several degrees colder there than it is here, 15 miles away – so I agree with you about the latitude!


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