Z may get wet and isn’t too happy at the prospect

Back to the physiotherapist in the morning. Afterwards, I’m going to – oh dear, now I’m telling you I’ll have to – going to go along to the swimming pool to enquire about – ewch – aquacise classes. Apparently they’re on Tuesday mornings and one evening and they are either shallow or deep water – with the deep water ones it’s more energetic, apparently, and you have to book as the numbers are limited. I can’t tell you how much I dislike the idea – both with being out of my depth and doing anything that smacks of a class. Still, as you know I have an iron will and no end of determination *cough, cough, cough*. No, the fact is that I haven’t been to the pool for ages and I know it will be good for me and I need something in the nature of an appointment to force myself into it. Fortunately, I’m genuinely and unavoidably busy at least 2 Tuesdays of every month. 3 in March.

Now, it’s 10.55pm. I’m going to start doing the report I’ve been putting off for the last 3 weeks, read the papers or go to bed. At this moment, I’m genuinely unsure which I’m going to do. What do you think?

10 comments on “Z may get wet and isn’t too happy at the prospect

  1. Z

    You’d have written about them before they happened then, Dave. I may have been putting off the start of the writing for 3 weeks but I couldn’t have finished it until 10 days ago.

  2. Gordie

    I used to do something called “Aquarobics” and found it a very pleasant form of exercise. It was the sort of thing one could do chest deep in water.

  3. Z

    Your chest and my neck are probably about the same height, Gordie.

    I don’t like public swimming pools either, Dotterel, but nor do I like North Sea bathing in February, even though I am a Lowestoftian.

  4. Z

    It’s my final effort to get in the water because I’ve been managing to not have time for months. I don’t like swimming and I hate municipal swimming pools, nut I’ve got friends who go to this session and I’m hoping that we’ll encourage each other. Frankly, it’s not likely, but I’m doing it anyway.


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