The good news is that Wink is in less pain – she phoned the surgery this morning and her doctor phoned back and fitted her in with an appointment the same morning (the system does work, if you’ve got a good GP practice) and he said that taking ibuprofen was the right thing to do. He thinks it’s most likely to be an inflamed tendon, possibly with bursitis, and that she should speak to him again next week. Fingers crossed. It’s made us all realise that we’d like her to live closer as we all wanted to look after her and she’s too far away for comfort. So more on that front in due course.
I’ve had a go at drying tomatoes, which is about as interesting as watching paint dry, but seems to be going okay. The last few are still in the cooker, and I’ve set a half hour timer, in case I forget. And I’ve made tomato purée and we made ratatouille. We were going to eat that with eggs for dinner, but decided we didn’t really need the eggs, so just had some toast with it. The last of the bread, as I couldn’t make more because of the tomatoes drying (first time this summer I’ve really missed the Aga) so we’ll probably have muesli for breakfast tomorrow.
We don’t rigidly take it in turns to cook, but we do the cooking between us; but usually one or the other. I rather loved making the ratatouille together, though. Tim cut up the onions and garlic while I cut the aubergine, I boiled a kettle to pour hot water on tomatoes, he skinned them while I cut up the courgettes and started frying the onions, then he cut up the pepper and, when everything was simmering away together, we strolled off and drank gin and tonic as dinner cooked. It was relaxed and pleasurable and it’s the sort of thing that makes me quietly happy. Enough stuff is tricky, so I like to appreciate the simple.