Have you missed me? Hm. I see. You hadn’t noticed I was missing. Okay. Fine.
This is what happened. And a picture! Our electricity was off for 13 hours. Actually, that’s pretty impressive work, considering the damage that was done. The roof of the building housing the transformer was blown off – they say it was found on the marshland some distance away, in which case it was jolly lucky it didn’t go any other way and hit any part of the town.
The Sage needed my car today, so Weeza drove over and spent the morning here and afterwards we went off to inspect cars at various showrooms. She lived in London for 9 years and didn’t need one there. She took the pram, to make sure it would fit in the boot of any vehicle she was interested in. Phil cycled to the station today. This was fine, I expect, as it’s pretty much downhill all the way, except the last mile which is by the river on the flat. Of course, you’ll spot the disadvantage in the home journey. He also has another 3 mile each way journey at the end of his train journey. He’ll become remarkably fit and healthy, if he survives the next few weeks.
I missed you, z. I just presumed you were busy. Frankly, I’m amazed you manage to get all your blogging done, what with all the crazy stuff you do.
Looking at second-hand cars and drinking a potful of Earl Grey is pretty crazy, it’s true.
I saw Yagnub on the local news, so knew what must have happened. As I was being violently ill and in pain most of yesterday, I didn’t get a chance to read your blog in the afternoon anyway, so no harm done.