It is now eleven minutes past midnight and I have not completed the preparations for the meeting that I need to leave the house for at 8.45 in the morning, which counts as early for me as I only get up in the dark for vital reasons, such as … I’ll insert one if I can think of one…
The reason is that I could not find the book in which I had written vital information. I had it this morning and so looked in the kitchen and the study and then in the car. Goodness, it is mild tonight, positively balmy. I went out without a coat on and did not care at all. It was not in the car, so I looked in all the places I had previously looked and checked under the dog too.
Finally, I remembered checking answerphone messages as soon as I had arrived home, so looked in the drawing room and, eventually, found it on the windowsill, behind the drawn curtain.
But that had disconcerted me and so I needed to do frivolous things for a bit to settle my nerves.
Right-oh, back to work.
It’s very mild here too…very wet and quite windy at times but not that cold. Last night I slept with my heating on in the room (whichI never do, I just forgot to turn it off …actually don”’t know why I had it on in the first place) and I woke all sweaty and headachy.
I have the window open now for fresh air and it is quite pleasant.
The worst thing is to fall asleep with an electric blanket on – I wake up from a nightmare in complete panic.