Z has a Day of Rest

Well, a morning at any rate, as I’m babysitting this afternoon.

I had plans for this morning, but I’ve not done a thing. I’m tired. Not in a depressed or exhausted sort of way, I just want to do nothing for a few hours. So I have, or haven’t, whichever makes more sense.

I should, even now, be cycling into town to do my weekend shopping, but it’s still raining and I am rather hoping it’ll clear up.

If you remember the photos I posted a little while ago of the sitting hen, her eggs have now hatched and she has 9 chicks. There were still 3 eggs, so the Sage has put them under another broody bantam to give them a chance. We went out for dinner with friends last night, and put mother and babies into a coop for safety when we returned home at 11.30. She was not too thrilled, but she soon settled down.

Since Dave has not posted any holiday photos today, I will show you a few Spanish dogs.

We couldn’t help noticing that, although there were quite a number of dogs, there was no dog-mess. Indeed, Madrid was noticeably litter-free. The dogs were charming and most of them were either mongrels or breeds unknown to me.

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