Weeza and I arranged to meet at the Chapelfield shopping mall – she would drive there after dropping Zerlina at school and I sent her a text at five to nine to say I was leaving home. I parked, carefully noted where I was (there are four ‘out’ doors from the ‘down’ escalator, so you have to know which one you went in by) and headed for the escalator – and Weeza and Gus were just getting on it. So I speeded up and followed them. Gus turned round as they neared the top – “Hello, Granny,” and his face lit up.
It was one of those good shopping days. Weeza took four dresses into the fitting room, they all fitted well and one of them was liked best by both of us. She thought it was almost too lucky, so we started looking again, then she decided that she really liked it and that was the one to buy. We went into three shoe shops in all, but the pair she tried on in shop number two was the one she liked best and so we went back for it. And we went into another shop for some bits and pieces for Zerlina. After that, we went to John Lewis to investigate ovens and so on, as they’re planning to have a new kitchen in the autumn.
Gus was delightful throughout, quite happy to potter about between the rows, never too far away and we were all able to keep an eye on each other. Weeza needed to pay a cheque in at the bank, then I wanted fruit and veg from the market and bought some for them too. I have cherries, flat peaches, strawberries, asparagus, mushrooms and peas. I have just been podding the peas (and eating a number of them, of course) and am very happy at the thought of the lovely food I’ll eat tonight. I also have some samphire, so no artichoke tonight.
Gus was also delightful at the Italian restaurant where Weeza treated me to lunch. As we neared the end of our meal, the woman sitting with her husband at the next table complimented her on Gus’s behaviour. “He’s a credit to you,” she said. They have four children, so she reckoned she knew what she was talking about. They were celebrating their 26th wedding anniversary.
Other than the fruit and veg, and elevenses, I didn’t buy anything, though I popped into the Apple store to look at computers. This one is coming up to seven years old and I fancy an update.
When I arrived home, I found a letter from my solicitor. Probate has been granted on Russell’s estate, which means that I can transfer property, shares etc into my name. I signed the papers back in mid-April and have tried to put it out of my mind. It’s a good thing, of course, there are various things that are in limbo and can soon be dealt with. Russell and I mostly kept ownership of things separate, largely to simplify our tax affairs, so it’s going to feel quite strange.
Now getting on for 7 o’clock, dinner is cooking, or some of it, as I write. Just the stuff I bought – I’m cooking the mushrooms in wine and cream and I’ve grated some parmesan to go on the asparagus, but otherwise it’s simply fruit and vegetables. Unless I decide to have an egg.
That reminds me – I think I’ve mentioned a couple of times that a she-cat is living in the field and has had at least two litters of kittens. There is also a tabby tom that is presumably the father, he’s beat up Roses’ Rummy, a neutered tom, several times. It’s the black with white paws female who killed the grass snake the other day. She used to be very wary and I rarely caught more than a glimpse of her, then she started to lose her fear of me and we just looked at each other. Now, she bares her teeth and spits. When I was putting the chickens away this evening, she came back to snarl at me several times and I waved my stick (the chicken-herding crook) at her and, in the end, shouted. Bloody animal. She’s on borrowed time if this carries on. The tom was there too, the last time I shooed her away. A lot of feral cats around is not going to happen. As you all know, I’m sweet and totes adorbs (ahem) nearly all the time, but I’m quite forthright when I’ve had enough, and then I sort things out.
Gosh – you do have a way with asparagus! Dippy eggs with it, and now……… We’d never thought of grating parmesan over it.
Must remember (ref your last paragraph) never to stir when Z’s had enough. Don’t wish to get the feral cat treatment.
Roses has said the cat should be caught and taken to the vet to be spayed. I said she was welcome, if she can manage it. But that was before the damn cat spat at me. Next time, I’m spitting back. And that’s just a warning.
You need have no anxiety, Mike. I’ll never be miffed with you!
Can I borrow you and Weeza as personal shoppers?
So pleased to hear you’ve now got probate. Another milestone.
Is there a local cat sancturary? They usually have traps to lend. Unless someone gets all the feral cats neutered (and the cat sancturary may be able to help with this too – and maybe rehoming also), you are going to have 10 kittens per female, at least, per year. And ‘kittens’ can get pregnant from about 7 or 8 months.
I’ve phoned the local Cats’ Protection League. If they can catch them, good luck to them. I’ll check traps and so on, of course, but I can’t possibly do it myself! And I hardly think those kittens can be rehomed as pets – I don’t mind one or two neutered cats living in the barn necessarily, but there are too many of them running about and there not at all friendly!
Peas are best eaten raw, straight from the pod, I’ve always thought. Mind you, the pod has to be straight from the plant, which has to be in the garden, which is why I never have this experience these days. Next year I might reinstate my veg patch.
Asparagus with parmesan, flashed under the grill, that’s a classic…
I agree, if I pick peas from the garden I have to gather at least double the amount I need for cooking. But I do love raw vegetables anyway. These ones from Norwich Market were excellent, I’d certainly think they were picked the same day.
Bungay market today, I’ve a load more fruit and veg. Looking at what I’ve bought, you’d never think I lived alone, or that I grow vegetables too.
That’s a good thought Blue Witch. I’ll ring around and see if we can organise something.
I suspect one of her kittens was hiding nearby if she hissed and spat at you. Her normal MO is to slink away as quickly as possible.
And yes, that bloody Lynx. He and Rummy were hurling insults at each other through the glass doors this morning. I think perhaps I should catch and get him neutered instead. Bloody animal.
He needs to be neutered too, certainly. A kitten might have been about, but she’s been standing her ground for a few days now. There was certainly some reason for her to do it, she came back three times while I was pottering back and forth on chicken duties.
Sounds like a dose of lead is the order of the day!!
Well, let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. Roses thinks that the big tomcat is a pet – if so, it’s very irresponsible not to have him neutered.
Odd that the feral cat is now spitting at you. Maybe she is in a family way and not feeling well. Still, a good idea to have her caught and taken to a vet for exam.
Evening routine at 5pm here is to go to the veg. garden with the dog. I pick the peapods and we share the harvest. Wish I’d planted more peas–there will never be enough to last until Fall!