Z gives notice

I haven’t had time to read your blogs for a few days – I catch up with a few once in a while, but I’m sorry you’re not seeing me about much. It should be a two-way street and if you take the trouble to visit me, I want to return the kindness, but unread posts are up in the hundreds again. It’s not going to get less busy for the next three weeks or so and I may well not get around to blogging some days either.  It’s a combination of several things: school, NADFAS, the London flat, Lena’s family visiting and the Sage’s business are the main things – I usually keep going throughout but I’m flagging a bit and, for once, the ‘blade will have to go lower in my priorities, much as I enjoy blogging and reliably as it helps me to wind down.  Apart from all the rest, I’ve a friend who has got some family problems and I’d like to have time to write to her frequently in the hope of giving some long-distance support.  I may, of course, write most days as usual, but if I’m not about, don’t think there’s anything amiss.

Today, for example, I had a mental list of things to do (writing it down just means that I’m in danger of forgetting – I write down appointments, in detail, but not what I have to do day-to-day) which fell to pieces when the post arrived.  Later, I had a long phone call that took the rest of the morning.  Then, I realised that one of the to-dos was a bit more complex than I’d thought, so I sent an email and haven’t had a reply yet.  I did do the essentials and – well, loves, am I a woman to miss a deadline?  I’m on track, but not without difficulty.

I’ve often mused on my stupidity in not taking a proper job, where either I could take some control or else would just receive a salary and leave it behind in the evening.  But I didn’t, and there’s no point in reflecting on the wrong decision made 20 years ago.  Not that I can always resist the temptation, but I do try.  And it’s not that things aren’t interesting, in a good way.  I enjoy my work, but it’s a bit disjointed and I can’t do anything about that.

27 comments on “Z gives notice

  1. Tim

    Just tweet ‘still alive’ occasionally. Nolo illegitimi carborundum (not that you will). And, as you once advised me, don’t worry, be happy.

  2. Jane and Lance Hattatt

    Hello Z:
    We do not think for one moment that any explanation or apology is called for. Everyone who blogs completely understands the situation where other things in life have to take priority. And we have all been there.

    What is so important is that the blog, or commenting on the posts of others, never becomes a chore. Have some time away to enjoy other things as we shall all continue to enjoy your posts as and when they are published.

  3. Scarlet Blue

    I fully understand the disjointed life and the impossibility of knowing how long anything will take to do. I used to be angst ridden when I was behind with my blogging, but I realised that my options were to chill about it or give it up. I chose to chill.
    The Hattatts are right, we all understand.

  4. Z

    Did I, Tim? And the illegitimi can go stuff themselves, can’t they?

    Lance and Jane, thank you so much. Blogging is never a chore and I love to read my friends’ blogs and leave comments, but it’s too time-consuming at the moment.

    Chilling is not usually my problem, Scarlet, self-discipline can be. I’ll get it all sorted within the week, I’m sure.

    Thank you all so much, you are wonderful.

  5. Compostwoman

    What Tim ( and others) said.

    You blog because you want to – you owe us nothing my dear, it is just good to read what you choose to write…but if you cannot post( or do not feel like posting) then that is fine.

    It would be good to know you were ok, though 😉

  6. Z

    I’ve been trying to link tweets to the blog again, but it doesn’t seem to be possible any more. But I’m fine, really, and I won’t be away long. Thanks again xx

  7. Macy

    I was guilt ridden when I didn’t get round to blogging for months on end! It happens Z. Real jobs and real lives get in the way sometimes.

  8. Tim

    btw, the latest anon comment, a few minutes ago (which didn’t get published but did get emailed), almost aspires to surrealist poetry …

  9. Anonymous

    The long distance friend really appreciated your last letter which was very supportive and kind (just like you). I’ve printed it up and will refer to it often. Thank you.

  10. mig

    Dear Z, please don’t worry about it at all. Everyone understands there are times when it’s impossible to think about blogging on top of the rest of life. It’s always a pleasure when you do and I’d hate you to feel stressed about it!

  11. Blue Witch

    I don’t think any ‘proper job’ is as you decribe (imagine), these days.

    Turn off the gadgets and get on with life. Blogging will still be here when you’ve got more time again. good luck!

  12. Roses

    Why would you think a ‘proper job’ would be any different?

    The only difference you’d find between your life now and with employment, is the office party would be more raucous.

    Do what needs to be done. I’m still here gazing at my navel (no difference there really).

  13. allotmentqueen

    I don’t think you made the wrong decision (for you). The Sage would have missed your input to the business, you would have missed a lot of your children growing up, and would have been stressed every time they were ill or it was school holidays and you had to organise childcare. You wouldn’t have been able to be involved with their schools, etc because you would have come home from work tired, only to find that you then have to start again on housework and cooking, etc.

    During the exam season I work in our local school as an invigilator and I find working elsewhere all day totally exhausting. The rest of the time I work from home on a self employed basis and organise myself what I do and when. So I can just pop out for a dentist’s appointment or to buy a loaf of bread. It makes quite a difference.

  14. Z

    I’m sorry about the spam getting through, I think I’m going to have to consider an alternative to Blogger if they can’t get their act together. Or turn on WV. Damn.

    It’s not the work, I’ve always enjoyed what I do and I like the variety of juggling lots of different things, and I’d certainly not have given a quarter of a century (eek!) to being a school governor out of a sense of duty. My remark relates to the expectation some people have had and sometimes still have, that I’ve got time on my hands and that it’s theirs for the calling-on, and that voluntary work is trivial and can be dumped at any time.

    If you’re reading this and wondering if I mean you, no I don’t. Nor do I mean close family, obv, because they come first whatever happens.

    Plodding through to-do list…

  15. Z

    I’M FINE – just a bit busy, really. Thanks very much. Actually, I’ll probably write a post tomorrow, I never meant to suggest I’d stop blogging for more than a few days at a time. Z will be back…

  16. allotmentqueen

    See what you’ve done now? You write a post saying you’ve got other things to do and won’t be around much for a bit which prompts way more than normal comments which you feel obliged to acknowledge, which takes up more of your time than if you’d just written a quick blog post!!! D’oh!

  17. PixieMum

    So agree about not blogging if it becomes a chore, life should be fun.

    I am wavering about my blog, someone emailed me in the middle of the night, about something I had written some 15 months ago.

    At first I was flattered that my ramblings were being read, but my correspondent took exception to something I had said, so I have been a little more guarded of late. This means more trivia, like marmalade making, knitting instead of my thoughts on a certain subject.

    On a happier note, what you do Z is work, maybe you are not gainfully employed I n the monetary sense. The same problems apply when one works from home, there is a perception that it is not really work and can thus be interrupted. There was much discussion of this by the Society of Indexers.


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