
I’ve been out all day, nearly, and should be working now, but I’m letting tonight’s wine wash over me for a bit first.  I was thirsty…

To the dentist first, and I’d sent Ro a text suggesting we meet for lunch afterwards.  His office is in the city centre and his lunchtime is flexible, so he was fine with me saying I’d text when I was ready.  However, I waited and waited – there were two emergencies, one was a broken tooth and the other was someone else’s patient and there was a mix-up – I was out a good half hour later than my latest estimate.  Still, never mind and my teeth (and mouth generally) have a clean bill of health.

And for the twenty-hundredth time, I thought how lovely my children are and how lucky I am to have them – we all get bogged down with the small child thing and the teenage angst, but grown up children are the best thing ever and so are grandchildren and I make no apology whatsoever for being sentimental.

And then I went on to a tea party, which I thoroughly enjoyed, and later was off to Squiffany’s school to go to her play, which was jolly good indeed.  I’m not being partisan, I’ve been around schools a lot, and they were really good.  Those who were overdressed for the heat must have suffered, especially the one in the horse costume, but they were troopers, or do I mean troupers?  No, surely the former – blimey, I’d have been confident twenty years ago, I’m becoming illiterate with age – anyway, they battled through smiling and taught the audience a dance at the end.  Yes, I joined in.  No, Al and Russell didn’t.  Blokes, hey.

And now I’m home again and we’ve eaten dinner and I’ve got work to do.  But it’s the day the cleaners came, so at least there’s no housework except the daily stuff this week.  And a friend’s daughter – well, the daughter is a friend too – needs somewhere local to stay for a few weeks, so of course we’ve offered the annexe.  So things seem to be okay, except for having paperwork at half past nine at night – but the sooner I start, the quicker it’ll be done.  Shall we say the deadline is 10 o’clock?  I’ll set a timer.

*was the name of the play.

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