Winter came, but it didn’t take its coat off

I woke to a grey day, but it started snowing not long after. It was all quite cheering and I looked forward to building a snowman with Squiffany.

But later, even as snow was falling, the trees started to drip with melting ice and it was cold and damp and cheerless. My meeting had been cancelled as the forecast was bad, so I bought Seville oranges from Al and came home to make marmalade.

Unfortunately, it has been one of those afternoons when annoying things have cropped up and have had to be dealt with and I haven’t done it after all.

And I have had occasion to reprimand* my husband, who is not, at present, sagacious at all. He is very apologetic, now that the damage is done, but I don’t become offended without good reason and the atmosphere is cool.

Very cold outside and the roads will be treacherous as soon as it freezes. I’d rather have had a good cheering snowfall.

*we didn’t quarrel, exactly.

7 comments on “Winter came, but it didn’t take its coat off

  1. Z

    At noon, I was cheerful and looking forward to an afternoon’s cooking. Unfortunately, it went downhill from there.

    Still, I’m going to meet my sister and daughter & s-i-l on Saturday for lunch in London, which will be a pleasure.

  2. martina

    Isn’t that so true. One thing goes wrong and the rest of the just gets worse. Today’s interesting experience (not bad). Took cushions from sofa I bought four years ago for $300 (used) to upholsterers. The cushions needed to be replaced. With the most suitable fabric, new foam and labor it would be $747 just for cushions. So, went to trusty consignment shop again, found beautiful bigger sofa in perfect shape including cushions, free delivery for$270.00!
    just had to brag, hope you don’t mind.

  3. Z

    I rather like the way that the second one looked almost like a flock of birds flying. Well, if you use your imagination.

    And that you can see that the prints were made after the car had gone past.

    We’ve got fields with hedges all around and plenty of trees, therefore lots of birds. These were big prints, so were probably just pigeons.

  4. Z

    The Sage and I are certainly not perfect, honey. I’d tell you about it, but it would be moaning, wouldn’t it and I prefer to put things behind me.

    It was one of the few occasions, however, when there were NOT faults on both sides.


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