Tribute to my patient and long-suffering credit card

As I said the other day, I don’t have the eBay gene. But I am developing a bad Amazon habit. If there was a book/music/DVD shop locally, I’d go there, but browsing online is a happy substitute. Not so much for books, for handling them is a large part of the pleasure, but there’s not much interest in a plastic case covered with cellophane. And then there is the ‘ooh, a parcel, for ME and it’s not even my birthday’ factor.

Surely I’ve got enough Bix Beiderbecke discs already? The lad died at only 28 and, prolific as he had been during the 1920s, there aren’t that many recordings from him. But a few tracks I haven’t got, or different recordings of those I have, so into the collection it has to go.

I had a bank statement this morning. More there than I expected, which is a relief considering the bills to come in this month……

6 comments on “Tribute to my patient and long-suffering credit card

  1. The Boy

    Beware bank balances, they are a thing of the devil to confuse and deceive as they either give re-assurance that you spend against or send one into unnecesary panic!

  2. Z

    You are so right, Boy. Easy to overlook that large cheque that hasn’t gone through yet. I avoid direct debits wherever possible as I would, undoubtedly, forget about them.

    Pat – if you feel like filling up the house again, having got rid of the brassware.

    Stitchwort – 🙂

  3. Z

    Thanks, hdwk. I haven’t mentioned your tag yet, I’m sorry, I’ve been so busy. It’s on my to-do list, because I want to. Sunday?

    We expectant grandmothers are a bit fluffy and can’t concentrate.

    xx Zoë


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