
I’m spending the weekend catching up on work, so that Monday won’t catch me unawares.  I’m up with most of it now, but have run out of steam.  Still have a rousing hymn to choose for tomorrow,  Once I’ve got my piano back, I’ll have no excuse not to practise.  Choosing hymns, I look at the type of service, the time of church year, the theme of the service, I look up the readings – I’m very conscientious.

I should have been going to a funeral on Monday, but I found out that I’ve been included in a lunch for 24 people, which will be on 3 tables and I’m supposed to be hosting one of the tables.  The organiser had forgotten to give me the date – it had been cancelled because of a power cut and rearranged, but I wasn’t there when the others were told.  I feel badly about missing the funeral, but I did have a long chat with her son today and the Sage will go, you can’t fit in everything and I don’t want to disappoint my friend.

I also had a chat with my doctor, at the same social event.  He told me that he is retiring in November – he’d already told the Sage a while ago, but is politely telling each person that he can individually.  He’s been my doctor for 25 years and I’ll be sorry to see him go.  I like him very much, we understand each other.  He has high standards, which might seem an odd thing to say – that is, if I went along for a vague whinge, he’d be slightly disappointed, because he’d expect something more specific from me.  If I were needy or frail, he’d amend his expectations.  He said, if all his patients visited him as often as I did, he’d not have been very busy.  Once every five years is about the norm, which shows how fortunate I am with my health.  I did go more often for a couple of years about my hip, and it was actually quite hard not to whinge then, so I always made sure that I had something practical to suggest.  He has arthritis in his knees and was limping slightly but noticeably.  I’m glad I’ve got hips rather than knees – though would rather not have it at all, of course.  Bloody arthritis.  He asked me how my hip is (doctors usually avoid asking after one’s health when off duty, I took it as a compliment, that he knew I wouldn’t turn it into a consultation!) and I said it’s fine.  “Glad you had it done?”  “Yes, I am,”  I said, simply.

I slept thoroughly last night and caught up on the previous night’s insomnia.  It’s a nuisance, though.  I’m drinking strong black coffee right now.  I hope that coffee doesn’t start to affect me.  I don’t mind decaff, but one doesn’t normally have a choice of blend or roast and, although I don’t have the number of coffees that I do of teas, I do like to choose what sort I feel like drinking.

I heard birds calling in a warning tone, looked out and there was a cat in the garden.  I went out to tell it to leave, and there was a branch of a broom lying on the ground, though still attached to the trunk.  I grew it from seed over 20 years ago and it grew unexpectedly tall, small tree sized rather than bushy.  I think that some major lopping will be needed.

6 comments on “Today

  1. Dave

    I must admit I had a vague whinge to my GP a month or so ago (I’d gone to see him about something specific, but decided I’d just mention my general lack of energy/loss of joie de vivre).

    It was the sort of thing I’d never have made an appointment to see him about on its own – but I’m glad now that I dd mention it, for it’s lead to my diabetes being diagnosed early.

  2. Z

    In fact, I meant that I was careful not just to whinge about my hip, but to ask something specific or his opinion on a practical suggestion. If I’d said I felt vaguely unwell, he’d have known I don’t say that without reason, so he’d have looked into it.

  3. Christopher

    If you’d been diffident about a casual conversation with your doctor turning into a consultation, perhaps you could have asked him for hymn suggestions?

    Nothing more sensible today, I’m afraid. Cerebral arthritis, clearly. Please don’t worry: I don’t think you can catch it on line.

  4. Z

    I chose Alleuia, sing to Jesus, ostensibly because it refers to Ascension Day, but actually because I like playing Hyfrydol.


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