We’re well on the way with our next auction catalogue. With one thing and another, we weren’t ready to start typing it up until 5 o’clock yesterday evening, and it took three hours. I always get an energy dip in the early evening, and although I’d had lunch, that was quite early and I’d eaten nothing since, so I was very tired and so was the Sage by the time we’d done. We had given ourselves five minutes break for a glass of wine to perk us up and I was extremely careful after that with the china, I was at the clumsy stage of tiredness already. I wanted brackets at some point – to type them, that is – and I couldn’t remember where they were on the keyboard. I learned to touch type more than forty years ago, it’s usually second nature which is a measure of how befuddled I was by tiredness and half a glass of wine.
It so happened that Roses has mentioned making a cheese omelette – or, as they are now known to her friends, omnomnomelettes (thanks, Rog) and so I took her inspiration and we were eating dinner by 8.15.
Today, Weeza, Phil and Zerlina came over and I’ve spent half the day cooking and the rest typing. But now the condition report (that is, the record of any damage on the china) is completed and we’ve just got the photos to take. If the weather is okay, we’ll do that tomorrow. Having tried all sorts of ways, I like natural light and a lightbox so that there’s no shadow, best. I’ll send everything to Weeza, who will prepare the catalogue and send it to the printers. She’s good at layouts and stuff, and I don’t want to have to learn.
They stayed for dinner, which I hadn’t really expected as Weeza doesn’t like Zerlina to stay up late and roast chicken, roast potatoes, cabbage and courgette were cooked and on the table in not much over an hour from when the suggestion was made, which was a bit of a rush, with rhubarb crumble and custard for pudding. I say all this to make Ro jealous if he reads it, of course (I don’t know how regularly he drops in, but he does sometimes) although he and Dora might be coming over for a meal next weekend.
I’ve just remembered it’s the early service tomorrow morning and I’m sidesman. Oh bother. I don’t think I’ve been sent hymns for the later service either, which means I’ll have to choose them.
Ah. I’ve just looked at the rota. I wrote it last November when Andy became ill – we check around to see who isn’t going to be available each week, and evidently tomorrow is a bad day. I’m down as sidesman at 8 o’clock, and to read both lessons. At 11 o’clock, I’m playing the music, reading both lessons and making coffee afterwards. That’ll be fun then. It’s not as bad as it sounds actually, we’re using the church meeting rooms to save heating the church for the winter, so it’s not as if I’m trotting up and down the aisle. And if a good-natured person turns up, I’ll ask if he or she will read one of the lessons.
I think Weeza is quite right. Zerlina is too young to stay up late and roast chicken.
I noticed that the ‘no comma before and’ rule didn’t apply in that case, but since the meaning was clear, didn’t bother to change it. I still can’t be bothered to change it, not even to make nonsense of your comment, dear heart.
Good nature – almost always, occasional black dog
Presence tomorrow (actually today, soon be yes terday) – could be problematic.
But always willing.
Enjoy your Sunday services my darling.
The omnomnomlettes are good aren’t they. Sadly, I took inspiration from the Lurpack add. Even more sadly, I find they are right.
Home now, and I think it’ll be too windy to set up for photos outside today, which means I can catch up with other stuff this afternoon.
Chris, the black dog is a wilful and unpredictable beast and can’t always be securely leashed. Hope it’s on its way soon xx