Russell had always said that the septic tanks were fine and didn’t need to be emptied, but actually it would have been better if they’d been done a few years ago. As it is, I checked them just in time, I reckon another week and we’d have had a problem with the house one anyway, and the other was pretty damn full too, and they couldn’t be done in one go. I’ll have to have Clint the honey-cart man back in the spring. Still, since I did remember to check them, I’m counting this as a win.
Ben was thrilled to see Spike and his dad and cheerily went out to their car. I wonder if he’ll be surprised not to come home again tonight – though they’ve asked me to look after him on Sunday, when they’re going to be out! This is going to work in a cheerfully relaxed fashion, it’ll be fine once we’ve all adjusted.
Anastasia woke up after I’d left the lamp on for a couple of hours and basked for a while, then she started to move about a bit so I gave her a warm bath. Later, when I walked Ben, I found some dandelion leaves and a flower and left them to tempt her to eat, but she walked on by. However, in the remains of a bag of salad, I found a sprig of lamb’s lettuce and she headed for that and chomped it. So she’s remembered the pleasure of eating and she will be fine. Tonight, she’s sleeping in a small terracotta plant pot. I weighed her, she is just 49 grams and a couple of milligrams shorter than her sister, who kept eating for longer. I daresay it’ll equal out over the winter.
Two invitations received today, woo hoo!
Blimey! And there’s me thinking that tortoises looked after themselves (apart from bonfires, obv)
“Honey Cart” – voted Norfolk Euphemism of the Year!
They use it in America as well. They probably think Norfolk = Virginia.