– Or there hasn’t been so far, not from the school stuff. But we sent off a sheaf of documents today, that has taken Mary and me a fortnight to compile and longer to research and was the reason I had to take my computer down to Wink’s. And I spent a long time on the phone yesterday and today on R’s behalf and I’ve had a tight band of tension round my forehead for quite some time.
However, there’s no point in thinking about it, so I put some Australian sparkling chardonnay in the fridge, which I’m drinking now, have put a chicken in the oven to roast (not one of ours – not only are they pets but they’d be a bit scrawny, frankly) and we’re having a Proper Pudding. Having lost a couple of pounds without trying, and R has lost rather more, I reckon we should indulge a bit. Mind you, I forgot to eat breakfast this morning, so … ooh, cheers, R, I will have another glass.
The best news of the day by far is that darling Mig has blogged. She’s linked on my sidebar, the Mig in the Bear family sandwich, for no particular reason. Sadly, she and Barney won’t be able to come to the blog party in June, because it’s at the time when their grandbaby is due – well, that’s joyous, not sad, but they will be very much missed. But there will be more parties, I hope, and they’re very well situated for me to drop in on my way to or from Wiltshire, so I’ve been able to see one of my dearly loved friends a couple of times in the last few weeks. I’d never have known her if not for blogging. Nor many of you. It’s lovely, innit?
Yes, it is.
Ooh I’m quite overwhelmed, Darling Zoe, it was lovely to see you and I do hope the school stuff gets sorted out and you get some rest. Because you are very, very good indeed.
Yep! ’nuff said !! 🙂 xxx
Blogging is one of the best things that’s happened to me, ever. I love you guys *sniffs sentimentally*
School stuff – well, I hope we can sort things out. Goodwill and a focus on solving a problem will win through, I trust.