Mostly photos and a couple of birthdays

It’s weeks since we saw young Rufus and his parents, there wasn’t an opportunity before we went on holiday.  LT and I drove over to Norwich today so that I could get my fill of granny/baby contact.

It’s such a truism that it’s absurd to say so, but he’s really grown.

And here are a couple of photos.IMG_4607 IMG_4605
Today is Zerlina’s eighth birthday and in a couple of days time, it will be her brother Augustus’ fifth.  Here they are perched on some of the splendidly climbable rocks on the beach.

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It is also Eloise cat’s second birthday (and, as it happens, the birthday of Zig’s younger daughter, Baby Doc.  For those who don’t know, Eloise used to belong to Zig but Baby Doc was allergic to her hair and so she came to live with me).  Here she is, with one of LT’s guitars.  She had her favourite treat for lunch today, dressed crab.  Just the brown meat, she doesn’t like the white.


Happy birthday to all of them.

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