For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been compiling the items for the next auction and that’s pretty well done now, the catalogue is almost ready and I’ve started to put pictures up on my Facebook page. Here is the link, you don’t have to be on Facebook to look at it as it’s a public page (to befriend me, you do have to be, though). The catalogue will be on the website before too long, I’ll do a link to that too.
Today, the family came over for a barbecue – we were very lucky as showers were forecast and we had nice enough weather to sit outside – now, at quarter past eight in the evening, it’s pouring with rain but we’ve long finished and everyone has gone home. Weeza and Phil kindly cleared the guttering and cut back the creeper this morning, which leaves us pretty well ready for the winter – I’ve been able to do the single storey parts myself, but I can’t manage the double ladder. I expect LT and I could cope, but we’re not going to turn down a kind and helpful offer.
It’s only another week before the new school year starts again and, for the first time in decades, it has nothing to do with me. I’m still a trustee at the high school but no longer a governor and there are fewer calls on my time. I’ve got quite a lot on, one way and another, this autumn and winter, but I’m looking forward to being less busy except by choice.
Young Hadrian and I have been planning a day together – LT will be out so it’ll just be the two of us. Bacon for second breakfast and cake making are certainly on the cards, but the rest of the time is free for spontaneous fun.