Squiffany and Pugsley had, respectively, Brownies and karate tonight so, after Pugsley’s nativity play in the church (he was a shepherd) they came here for tea. I got back at 3.15 and it dawned on me that I’d made no preparations at all. Their mother had said I needn’t worry as they’d had school dinner so only needed a snack. All the same…
Eggs on to boil, sugar, more eggs, flour, butter, baking powder and vanilla essence in a bowl, beaten, put into paper cases and in the oven. Squiff and Pugs arrived in time to help with that bit. Into the oven, shell and mash the eggs, make sandwiches, also cheese sandwiches, remove cakes from oven, make glacé icing (icing sugar, water, slightly too much cochineal), spread on top, add sugar sprinkles. Make drinks for children, tea for the rest of us, open pack of Hula Hoops.
4 o’clock. Serve tea.
4.10. Make more egg sandwiches (I had reserved surplus eggs for tonight’s fish pie, but we did without), as Dilly and the Sage were scoffing them too. Open more packs of Hula Hoops.
4.20. Make more tea.
It all seemed to go quite well. Dilly said that I make the best cakes, which rather surprised me (and pleased me no end) as I don’t do a lot of baking any more.
I was just remembering (again, as a response to the same programme) the time when my mother took pottery evening classes at L’toft college. Some 40 years ago, evening classes were very popular. Wink and I did motor maintenance, being of a practical bent. The Sage started to reminisce about the College Principal, but I didn’t know the one he spoke of, except by name. I said he must have retired by the time my mother was on the town council, the one I knew slightly had a surname beginning with B but there was no hope of my remembering it.
And then I did. Alan Boddy. I’ve always thought that no one will notice when I lose my marbles because I’ve got such an abysmal memory already. But maybe they will.
I watched that programme too, didn’t intend to but was drawn into it. My mother living in Richmond, Surrey was very grateful to my father’s relations in Suffolk supplying rabbit, butter and other unavailable foodstuffs.
Also, my mother and I went to evening classes together to learn to crochet, I keep the instructions for an American square, she wrote out, more for her handwriting than the crochet pattern.
Here the incredible high cost of evening classes deters most, thank goodness for U3A to fill the gap.
It was when it was decided that evening classes had to bear the full hourly cost of the college being open that they became unaffordable, until then the fee just covered the teacher and materials.
The Sage enjoyed it too, as his earliest memories are of the time.
I’ll have to catch up on the wartime farm prog on i-player.
What is this “College Principle” of which the Sage reminisced about? Sorry to be picky, but I have to pre-empt TBW, especially as she’s posting cryptic clues that I am totally failing to get.
Hah hah – whoops – what do you mean, darling?
Just popped by to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a peace filled new year.
LOM (Helen)
The same to you, Helen. Thank you xx
I watched the earlier Wartime Farm programmes but missed the Christmas one.
I’m sure I used to know of an Alan Boddy. When I was quite young, because I dimly remember being childish about his name behind the grown-ups’ backs. No idea who he was though.