It’s time to dress up right…

I put on makeup today, for the first time since I arrived home.  We were just going to the hospital to have my dressing removed and the wound checked, but I hadn’t left here for ten days. so was quite inclined to treat it as an occasion.  All was well, as I expected, and I was seen so quickly that we were back in the car by the time of my appointment.  And on the way home, we bought a Christmas tree, bags of kindling (the theory of chopping it ourselves is all very well, but actually a big bag costs £4.75 and it’s worth it) and plenty of chicken feed.

Roses has had a really nasty cold, the sort that makes you hot and cold, feverish and miserable, so LT has been feeding the animals for the past few days and the cats are starting to warm to him, even RasPutin.  Wince, the gardener, is coming tomorrow – not sure what he’s planning to do, there are always jobs here but the place is in pretty good shape nowadays.  Still some jobs which will be completed over the course of next year, but it’s doing well and, now that we have all the right tools, it’s much easier to keep on top of things.  Though I have to talk to the farmer about the fencing around the fields where cattle graze, it needs some running repairs and it’s beyond me.  I hope that, if I provide the materials, he will do the work.  It should be sunny tomorrow, I must go and look at the wedding present fruit trees that he planted last week.

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