It was suggested that Z is bossy

Some years ago, an extension was built onto the back of the church, which houses a hallway, a loo (big enough to take a wheelchair and baby’s nappy-changing stuff), a kitchen/meeting room (at present a kitchen/office) and another room, which will seat 50 or so. Coffee is served after, and sometimes before (no rule here, if someone wants it they put the kettle on and make a potful, because the aroma draws everyone else) services and we stand around chatting for a while before wending our way home. Or wherever.

We’ve always tended to stay in the hallway, but someone mentioned at a PCC meeting that it would be more friendly to go into the main room, because it’s more comfortable, there are chairs and it’s where visitors tend to go, so it would be better if we all were in there rather than a couple of people going in to make sure newcomers don’t feel left out. We decided to use the room in future. But no-one did. So last week I chivvied a bit and this week I asked Judy, who was making coffee, not to open the hatchway into the hall but to direct people straight into the main room. I put out chairs, put on the heaters – and was accused of being a control freak. Largely because I was asked whether the hallway radiator should go on, and I said no.

Yeah, but they did it AND agreed that it was much more comfortable.

As we left, my good friend John said that he was going out for lunch and would I like to join him. Well, I had got plans for the afternoon – but “yes please”. I biked home and he drove to pick me up. Later, when pondering whether to have coffee, he asked if I had time. I said that the company of a friend was more important than odd jobs – which was the right thing to say, for it pleased him; and it’s true, too.

I’m happy to say that this evening’s dinner is as locally sourced as I’m likely to find at this time of the year. The leeks in the soup come from the garden, the lamb was reared in the field 300 yards away, the potatoes, carrots and cauliflower travelled 6 miles, the parsnips less than 2. Wine would let the side down – I shall drink beer from St Peter’s brewery, which is 5 miles away.

It’s all prepared, and the meat and potatoes are cooking. Another hour and they’ll all be done.

11 comments on “It was suggested that Z is bossy

  1. Dandelion

    Dear z. I don’t want to say a wrong thing, or damn with faint praise, but it sounds you are quite a lot like me in this regard.

    I am not a control freak, but when faced with a crowd of sheeps crying out for a shepherd, sometimes there’s only one thing a sensible person can do.

    Ditto for the company/odd jobs scenario. To my detriment, I might add.

  2. Z

    Faint praise? Darling, I’m more flattered than I can say. To be fair, I was being teased rather than criticised and all was affectionate and good-humoured.

  3. Dandelion

    Good-natured? Of course.

    But I had a friend once, that was really bossy. And me and a mutual friend were having a right laugh and teasing about how bossy she was. All good-natured, you understand, and not for a moment thinking she’d take offence. But by heck, did she. She went off with a rolling gate, to say the least.

    And what I learned from that, which has turned out to be true is that being touchy about being bossy is a sure sign of it.

    cf my comment about sheeps

  4. Z

    Truth is, I was being bossy. But they were glad of it really. I DID IT FOR THEIR OWN GOOD. And I am absolutely tease-worthy. I think that you only tease someone if you like them – well, I hope so anyway.

  5. Dandelion

    Yes exactly. That’s what I meant about the sheeps.

    People say a lot of things about teasing, and I think they’re all true.

    As for being bossy, I think it can be either a state or a trait. Trait-bossiness tends to go with touchiness on the teasing front, I would say. And I can see why.


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