It gets better…

…”Oh!” said the Sage. “I forgot to pick some asparagus. Is it too late?” “Not if you run” I replied. “I’ll run!” he said.

That’s what he’s doing Right Now.

I’ve just put some photos on the computer. I’ll show them to you later.

Baksun*, darlings.

*Hope I’ve spelled that right.

I’m back, with photos of what I saw in the garden this afternoon

Feeling cheerful because the sun was shining, I went out with my camera. Tilly was trotting across the field, quite some way away. She looked at me and started to trot in my direction. I could see the moment that she was sure it was me, because her ears changed shape and she started to run. When she reached the fence, she lay down. I love the buttercups on the meadow too. It’s ancient grassland and, although we take out nettles, thistles and ragwort, it’s fertilised only by the cows who graze in the summer and kept as natural as it can be.

Wisteria on the house. The photo’s rather dark; it looks better enlarged


Lilac, which is actually lilac, not white. Photography isn’t my strong suit

The wall will be built one day

I like wild flowers too



The first globe artichoke

The stream separates the garden from the other meadow

May – hawthorn, if you prefer

Friend of Gustav (no need to explain, you all read Greavsie). I don’t remember ever seeing him before; he was contemplating life the other side of the fig tree

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