The catalogue was finished and sent off to the printers yesterday which is a relief, really – that is, if there are any mistakes (and we all proof-read) it’s too late to do anything about it. We have two sales this autumn, because the Sage is so much in demand. It does seem a pity that he’s so busy now, at a time of life when he might be winding down a bit, when at one time he worried that he wouldn’t be able to put on a sale of china at all. It always came good, however.
I will finish the series about the village school – it’s occurred to me that I was the only person involved throughout all the time I’m writing about and it might be a good idea to get it all down. Though there is quite a lot that I can’t write about for one reason and another,discretion and all that, can’t write about people. Anyway, I feel like a break from that for a few days and I daresay you do too. I’ll think of something quite different for tomorrow.
I suppose it’s the Sage’s Lot in life and you just have to do his bidding
Take your time. I’m sure if you wanted to, you could write up your memories more fully and the school would be happy to have them for their archives. It might encourage other people to contribute their memories too.
I’m very much the underbidder, Rog.
Yes, AQ, I could write for hours about it! And the point of the whole thing was supposed to be how come I’ve been a school governor for 24 years and I’ve got way off that subject!
I’m finding it all very interesting.
Thanks, LZM. I’m afraid of getting too into it and not interesting anyone at all!
Having just read your top (doghouse) post, I think you’ve picked up an ability to do spells… and not in a good way!
Be careful what you wish for (ie “It does seem a pity that he’s so busy now, at a time of life when he might be winding down a bit”), and all that…
Sales are still full steam ahead, I checked out the new saleroom today.