I thought I’d get on upstairs, and was cleaning the bathroom when there was a knock at the door. Not the bathroom door, the porch door. I scurried down and found Graham – Graham who has sheep, not Graham who has cows. After our chat, I never did go upstairs again, so the bedrooms are unfinished and I’ve now been shoeless all day. This may not be unusual for many of you, but I always wear shoes about the house. Always except today, that is. Inevitably, I’ve had to keep popping outside for one reason or another, so my feet have been quite cold and damp most of the day.
I’m attempting HTML line breaks, we shall see what happens. I only know the most basic HTML, I have to admit, just enough to inset a link, a hidden message, italics and so on, and I’ve never found it a great shortcoming in life. But if I want to use the iPad for posts – and it certainly beats sitting in a cold study with just a candle for warmth (we’re old-fashioned as far as heating is concerned and tend to put coats on) – then maybe it’ll be necessary, although I have got symbols for bold, italics, strike through, link, photo and block quote. Not paragraphs.
Enough of that, darlings, quite boring enough. So, I hope you are all set for a splendid weekend, and Christmas if you celebrate it.
I’m less set than I was, because I received my tax return from the accountant this morning. I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed. Having paid two years worth of tax last year, I thought it would be rather less this time around. However, apparently I still owe nine hundred and something from last year, have to pay upfront for the current year (it’s being self-employed that does it) and am, of course, having to pay tax on this year’s full income, whilst I have about £3,000-worth of expenses to off-set, but that won’t be taken into account for another year. First world problems, hey.
We shall not end on a low note, however. Least of all, me bleating because I’m fortunate enough to have enough money to pay tax on.
There is certainly some good news. The Sage went to see the cockerels today, and he says they are lovely. Quite small and very friendly. They follow James around and he can pick them up and give them a stroke, so that’s brilliant. He had eight eggs hatch and, fortunately, four of the chicks were female. I don’t know, because I didn’t ask, if the other two boys are being kept by him or have been found another home. I’ve suggested to the Sage that we make or buy a second hen house in the next few weeks so that, as they each gather an entourage of females, they can, if they wish, make separate territories. We hope they won’t fight. They’re about six months old now, so should be well ready for fatherhood by the spring. It’ll be lovely, having chicks about the place again.
I’m going to feel no end silly if all these line breaks haven’t worked.
Hooray! Frabjous day and all that. The line breaks have worked.
You have to edit HTML to get italics on that thing? Strewth! I just highlight the text and tick a box. HTML is Martian to me.
No, there’s a gizmo on the Blogger app. I used to quite like the days when you had to insert the HTML yourself, though. Made me feel mildly intelligent.
You make me feel so young. (In blogyears of course.)
Happy Christmas Z…
I wish you a Merry Christmas, dear Z. Alles Gute für Dich und deine Familie.
And to me it is avery starnge thing to wear shoes in my rooms or house. Socks do it for me, MsScarlet has a photograph of them.
Ah, chicks. Something to look forward to!
I think you probably need to find a new accountant… There are several ways around the situation you describe and it worries me that s/he doesn’t seem to know/be suggesting them… What other things are you missing out on?
You should have bought more Apple business equipment 😉
Have a splendid Christmas chez Z!
Tim, you are young. And delightful with it.
Happy Christmas, Cogidubnus, Mago and Rog.
I felt chilly all day without my shoes on, even though I was wearing socks. It just feels wrong!
Odds are that the Sage didn’t even mention the expenses in the current year, BW . In previous years, when our accountant has suggested ways of twisting things to pay less tax, he has refused them. Actually, the country needs the money., I don’t always gift aid charity donations now, for the same reason. And I put down my computer as a business expense because it’s necessary, but not the iPad or iPhone, their business use is minimal and wasn’t what I bought them for.
And thank you for being marvellous.
Happy Christmas, Scarlet darling. Hope we manage that blog meet xxxx
Oh god, tax for the self employed… don’t get me started… Merry Christmas Z!
A week ago I had a letter from HMRC saying they no longer considered I was self employed and that they would not be sending me any more tax returns to fill in. Great relief on my part, I was self employed for less than a year, fortunately just one tax year too.
The stress R & C caused me was horrendous, it is not just the money we pay.
On a happier note, best wishes to you, your family and all your readers.
I happily pay to have no stress. Not that sort, anyway.