
This morning, the weather app on my phone declared there was 0% chance of rain today.  It had, by that time, stopped raining so – yes, I’m a bit naïve – I more than half believed it.  And well, it didn’t really exactly rain, not in a raindrop way, just more like wet mistiness on and off.  And everyone ignored it and resolutely carried on anyway.

To our surprise, our stall was a resounding success and we sold out.  When there were three wrapped bottles left, a man bought two and won a bottle of Pimms, so I offered him the final one, half price.  He accepted, it was tap water, but he didn’t mind and we had the happy knowledge that no one else paid when there was no prize left to be won.  I put in the 50p, which meant that exactly £50 had been raised from our stall.

LT had never manned a village fête stall before – I should get him to work out how many firsts he’s enjoyed (hem hem) since joining me here.  We drank beer, ate fish and chips and home-made cake (didn’t get around to buying mine, we were too busy) and I introduced him to a number more of my friends and acquaintances.

At the end, the Rector asked if he could have the leftover bottles for another village fête next week.  I said yes, of course, but we’d emptied the water: I’d drop them off at the Rectory.  Then LT realised we’d thrown away all the screw caps, so we had to delve in two bin bags to find them.  Another first all round, that was.

Two pints of beer in the middle of the day is quite a lot for me, actually.  I may need a little nap later.

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