So although there is no problem, it has been decided that one more scan will be done as a final check and, as it’s the day after I return home from holiday, my daughter has invited me to go with her. So we’ll get back from Madrid on the evening of the 21st and, instead of going back to Norwich with the rest of my party, I’ll abandon my luggage – pfft – and head for El and Phil’s flat and stay the night with them.
This is all vastly exciting. When I was expecting Ro, scans were just coming in and I had one done but it didn’t show much except that there was something wriggling in there and one wasn’t routinely offered a picture. It’s very thoughtful of El to ask me and I’m thrilled.
I’ve had a couple of busy days with meetings and have been given extra work to do with no chance to catch up on the backlog. I’m giving myself until 9 o’clock to do what I can and then taking the rest of the evening off. Tomorrow, I have a free morning and then am looking after Al’s shop in the afternoon and out in the evening, and on Friday I’m pretty busy. Some intervening deadlines, but all must be done by Monday night as I then run out of time – Tuesday afternoon is for wondering what I’m going to take on holiday and wishing that all my nicest clothes didn’t have to be handwashed and carefully ironed. I have taken the precaution, however, of buying some new clothes, *just in case* I don’t get around to it.
Always wise to buy some new clothes ‘just in case’. I bought a couple of items on Tuesday, thinking of my trip to the Orkneys at the end of the month.
Scans are lovely things. I think the most exciting for me is always the 12 week ones. The embreo is small and does acrobatics. Later they look more like a real person, but are filling the space more and move less. Still lovely, I can remember the scans of all three kids v well.
I think that quite often a girl in her first pregnancy can’t quite believe she’s having a baby until she sees the scan. I know several people who have said that, especially if they aren’t feeling too sick.
‘Always wise’? – that sums you up, Dave
In my pregnancies you still had to wait for those first butterflies and til birth to know the sex.