Another sunny Bank Holiday Monday

A very jolly lunch out near Cromer at a Greek restaurant, all friendly and hospitable.  I managed to leave my cardigan behind, but have just heard from a friend that he’s taken it home, as it was recognised as mine, and he’ll drop it in tomorrow.

I’ll be home tomorrow, as it happens.  We’ve had a series of mysterious messages left on our answerphone.  An automated voice said that to arrange delivery, we should go to a website and enter details – but I didn’t know what *she* was talking about.  I wasn’t expecting a delivery – that is, I have been at various times, but nothing that needed signing for.  And the whole thing was said so quickly that I didn’t have a chance of noting the website, even playing the message several times.  Finally I was in and picked up the phone – of course, an automated message starts at once, not waiting for the answerphone message to be said, so the explanation of what it was about was lost.  And it’s my new passport.  The day offered wasn’t suitable, so I phoned (again, the number was rattled off far too fast and I had to play it twice, though it turned out I had written it down correctly) to change it.  I rejected the offer of a mere 4-hour time slot for an extra £6.50 and one of us will hang around all day.  Though it may arrive first thing, of course, and surprise me.

I also may or may not expect the cleaners.  I don’t think this arrangement is going to work out.  I found a note in the front porch last Wednesday, saying sorry we weren’t in when they arrived on Tuesday, please could I phone or email?  But I was expecting them this Tuesday, not last: the 4th Tuesday of each month.  However, last month was a 5 Tuesday month and evidently it was muddled into ‘4 Tuesdays later.’  I’m always out on the 3rd Tuesday though, it was quite clear when I booked it.  But I suppose the women won’t get paid if they haven’t worked, so I feel really bad about that.  I emailed, explained how the muddle arose and asked if they could come back this week, but I’ve heard nothing.  So, whilst I’m half expecting them, it’s only half.  I won’t hoover tomorrow morning, just in case.  

7 comments on “Another sunny Bank Holiday Monday

  1. Mike and Ann

    Your middle paragraph is a prime example of brilliant modern communicative technology being spoiled by human laziness/stupidity. At the moment I’m inclined to apply the same description to the new ‘Scrabble’ facility on Facebook.

  2. Rog

    I ordered a computer last week and had a text the next morning saying it would be round within the hour – and it was! Some Companies do seem to get it right.

  3. Sir Bruin

    We had a much less frought Bank Holiday, well I did anyway. Mrs B may have have something to say about my motorcycle-based exuberance. I have re-read the paragraph regarding the cleaners. I believe the mistake that they made was not subtracting the number that they first thought of when carrying out the Tueday calculation.

  4. Z

    A very nice courier arrived with the passport in the late morning, the cleaners didn’t turn up and I haven’t heard from the manager. I’m not too bothered, cleaning the house isn’t that hard.

  5. Z

    Oh, and Rog, there are a lot of really good companies about. That’s particularly impressive though.

    Mike, I haven’t investigated the new Scrabble yet, I’m waiting until I have to use it.


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