One of the governors, who has her ear to the – um, not grindstone, what do I mean? – anyway, she keeps aware of what’s going on, said that she knows of a couple of local chairmen of governors who are paid now. “How much?” I asked suspiciously, expecting much the answer I got – “About £4,000.” I said they’d be foolish to take it. That means they’ll sign a contract of employment, committing them to all sorts of things, and be paid peanuts, considering the responsibility and time involved. I’ll work for free, but I’m not being undervalued.
But to better things – all being well, I’m planning to go down to visit Wink again at the end of next month, and blog meets are being planned. I’m so excited – all being well, I’ll meet at least five friends for the first time, and at least one more again. Added to that, several days with my lovely sister – just after the end of term, it’ll be just what I need. All being well is the caveat, however, things a bit uncertain at this end at the moment.
Ear to the ground? And we trust all is well, Yagnub way?
Ear to the ground, of course – thank you, Mike. Yes, I trust so too. I’ll explain later, got to go out now, I’m afraid – an unscheduled visit to Norwich.