I like variety, but I do seem to switch between one thing and another rather a lot. This morning, Rupert came to spend the day with us, so I played with him and Ben while Russell was supposedly getting documents together – his slowness in doing that (he was trying to deal with each item, one at a time, when that wasn’t possible until everything was brought together) was pretty frustrating, so I wasn’t unhappy to receive an email, asking me to come into school and sign some cheques. While I was there, I discovered a situation had come up that I could help with, so I went and talked to someone and lo! it was solved. One of the rare occasions when all that was needed was for me to say the word.
By the time I ran a couple of errands in town and went home, then helped R with the rest of the gathering of the paperwork (it involved turning out his van, which was not pleasant) it was lunchtime, then we went to visit our friend Jan, whose husband died earlier this year. She doesn’t drive, but has lovely friends and neighbours who help her with shopping and so on. We drank tea and ate cake and got home sometime after four, whereupon I left R to go and fetch Zerlina.
Weeza had given me alternative directions to their house – round most of the back lanes of north Norfolk, I reckon – because their road is being put on mains drainage. Since the chap who imperfectly converted their house from a church didn’t join the drains to a soakaway and they have to have the tank emptied every three weeks, they are looking forward to that – but the road is closed. from the way we usually come in.
Darling Zerlina was happily looking forward to coming to stay with us, and wants to make cakes, feed the chickens and go to the park tomorrow. I will give her my full attention, of course, all day. We didn’t arrive home until 7.30 and, after feeding the chickens, she didn’t demur when I said it was bed time. I offered the single room, but she wanted the bed she usually sleeps in when she comes here with Gus, so that’s fine. I hadn’t changed the bedclothes since they were here at the weekend, in fact, but at least it’ll be worth it now.
There’s always something going on Chez Z.
I hope you have a lovely time with Zerlina.
Home again without her. It’s very quiet, we miss her.