I shocked my son Ro yesterday, when I admitted to conduct unbecoming in an elderly mother. It’s hard to feel like eating much in this heat, but on the other hand one has to keep the nutrition levels up with regular nourishment. He does this by making himself a splendid packed lunch; two salads, one green or mixed, the other with something like beans, couscous or pasta, a sandwich (wholemeal bread of course) containing something protein-rich, five items of fruit and, usually, yoghurt.
Yesterday at lunchtime, I was alone, mildly hungry and nothing in the fridge appealed. I didn’t want to cook. “Icecream” I thought, “there’s the thing ………. mm, Magnum. Seems to deal with most of the major food groups, chocolate is a vegetable, milk, carbohydrate. Is there sufficient nutrition for a full meal? Ah!” I pounced. “Almond Magnum. That’ll do it.”
Ro thinks I’m decadent.
I’m wondering what to have for lunch today.