Z is pleased with her efficiency (don’t laugh)

I make every effort, as a rule, not to say the same thing here as I’ve already said on Facebook.  Most of my FB friends are people who read this blog, so it would be a bit dull for them – however, this is the exception, sorry.

I was so pleased with myself this afternoon, that’s the thing.  I so rarely get it completely right first off.  Al and Pugsley appeared at the door after lunch; it seems that Dilly had some friends over and Al felt that the atmosphere was entirely too girly and that he and his son were, as he put it, personae non gratae.  I know, darlings, I didn’t understand it either.  Anyway, they came and joined me for a considerably less girly atmosphere.  Al read several books to Pugsley and then P wanted to watch television (he loves tv here, as I allow CITV, which has advertisements), so Al felt able to turn his attention to his laptop.

I may have mentioned that Al is a governor at the village school, the same one I was governor at for 18 years and which Ro attended for 5 years.  They found it hard to get rid of me, darlings.  Actually, when I became chairman of governors (because the CoG died suddenly, it was awful), they were going through a difficult time – anyway, a few months later, we appointed a new headteacher.  The choice wasn’t a unanimous decision, and she knows that so I can say it, but I will also say that it was a superb decision and I was instrumental in it happening.  A cautious person by inclination, I’m not afraid to follow my instincts when it’s time to be bold.  This was 8 years ago and she has been brilliant in sometimes difficult circumstances (coincidental serious staff illnesses, that was awful too, because not all of them survived).  Now she’s moving to a different part of the country and a new job.

So, various governors have been asked to write each part of the information pack to applicants, and Al was asked to write the part about the locality.  He agreed and came promptly to me for advice, wise boy.  I (‘scuse the caps) WENT STRAIGHT INTO THE STUDY, TOOK DOWN A FILE AND FOUND THE INFO FROM 8 YEARS AGO.  Just like that.  I haven’t been a governor there for 4 1/2 years, I’ve destroyed nearly everything, but I still had this and I knew where to look.  Remarkable, hey?  Anyway, some of it is out of date, but at least it gives Al something to base his piece on.

The second thing I’ve already mentioned on Facebook is the phone call I had this morning from someone called Kate who wanted the Sage to ring her back, from the Viron Licencing Dept.  I asked her to repeat it twice, I didn’t understand, and I could only write it down phonetically.  The Sage was puzzled for a minute.  Then his face cleared.  “Firearm”, he said.  “It’s about my firearm certificate.”  Oh.

Tonight, I had governors training on Safeguarding Children, which is a main OFSTED focus this year.  Next September, it’ll be dead in the water but right now if you haven’t ticked all the boxes you’ll fail.  Actually, we do tick nearly all the boxes and have an action plan (sorry) for the rest but I need to keep up to date on things and haven’t been trained for about 4 years.  I wisely prepared a delicious fish pie before I went out.  I was glad of nice food when I slunk back at 9.45.  And a couple of glasses of wine.

There was an air frost by 6.30 this evening, by the way.  I had to clear the windscreen before I left.

12 comments on “Z is pleased with her efficiency (don’t laugh)

  1. 63mago

    I am impressed: In the last ten years or so I moved files from harddrives to harddrives, and from different formats to other, new ones – or just not: I’d find nothing without elaborate search … says a man who offers managing archives …

  2. Dandelion

    Me too. That is a textbook example of how life should be. Although I am a bit disturbed about the CITV.
    ps Did the Firearm lady have an accent? Or a speech impediment?

  3. Imperatrix

    Viron. Hah! Several years ago the Consort’s colleague ordered a new placard to direct students to the program’s offices: Environmental Science and Policy. The order was made over the phone. The placard arrived. “Environmental Signs and Policy”.

  4. Roses

    I don’t mind if you double up, if anything, I enjoy having the full story, not just the bullet points.

    Well done you! I’m deeply impressed. Finding any paperwork around here is a nightmare.

    Hard frost here this morning. Definitely winter.

  5. Christopher

    Laugh? As if we’d dare!

    Mild autumn day here, doors and windows open, birds busy at the peanut and sunflower feeders and fatballs, Eloi the temporary groundsman (while my back is bad) raking up sweet chestnut leaves preparatory to a bonfire. Just thought you might like to know.

  6. Blue Witch

    Mr BW took a phone call and wrote down the name of a village where we had to meet someone the other week as ‘Bell Sham Support’. Luckily I used to visit the school there so knew it was Belchamp St Paul.

  7. Mike and Ann

    Do you remember the story about the American tourist who went to the Cotswolds and said she’d been to Chipping Camden, Chipping Sodbury, and through several areas called Loose Chippings? This has nothing to do with pronunciation mistakes, just our perception of names, I suppose.

  8. Z

    Mago, I find that reassuring.

    CITV – two words – Horrid Henry. I love Horrid Henry.

    The frost this morning was sufficiently robust that the cleared windscreen refroze when I drove away at 9.20. Thank you for your cheering words, Chris. The mist lingered all day on the Ups and Downs, to about knee height and it’s freezing again now.

    The phone lady didn’t have a particular accent and no speech impediment, I understood everything else. I think the Sage was able to work it out because of the STD code on the phone number. I’d thought it must be something to do with the Environment Agency.

    Place names are a minefield, aren’t they great? And so many aren’t pronounced as they’re written.

  9. luckyzmom

    Nuh va(a as in admit) duh, not Nuh vah duh nor Nev uh duh or. You can excuse mispronunciations because of accents, English being one of my favorite, but, Americans should know better.


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