Z has a jolly in Cambridge

As far as my father was concerned, it was the Other Place, the village on the Cam that wasn’t worth noticing, so I never went there until after he died. I don’t know if it’s the same now but, 50-odd years ago, the Oxford/Cambridge rivalry was real.

Today, I went with the local Nadfas group there – I still call it Nadfas, but it changed its name a few years ago. We went to the marvellous Kettles Yard and then to Kings College Chapel, with a leisurely lunch between and a stroll afterwards. So beautiful there. When cousins Rhonda and Victoria visit, I plan to take them there. They’ll be bowled over.

They’ve got unfortunate timings for their plane journeys. I don’t know when they’ll arrive on the 31st, but they leave Heathrow at 6.30am on the 13th August. I just can’t inflict a train journey, arriving at midnight, on them so I’m hoping to have a couple of nights somewhere nice, within an hour or two of the airport, to drop them off – probably still around midnight, but at least they will have had a good dinner and not a long journey before their start – and then carry on westwards to Pembrokeshire for a few days. Anyone got any thoughts? I’m wondering about Salisbury, but maybe somewhere closer? Just a few good places to see, arriving lunchtime Sunday 11th (I’m planning a family meet-up on the Saturday) and leaving late Monday night. It’s tight timing, so maybe nearer here, as then I won’t be doubling back. Oxford? Or maybe, making the Cambridge visit on the way and staying near there for a couple of days. Really not sure, at present.

2 comments on “Z has a jolly in Cambridge

  1. savannah49

    I’d love to visit Oxford and Cambridge one day! As my Director of Photography son says, “Don’t get your hopes up, Ma, they film really well.” I only know them from the Morse, Endeavor, and Inspector Lewis TV series! And mystery novels, of course! The rivalry between the two universities was an easy comment in many of the episodes, speaking of Cambridge, Lewis says, “What do they teach them over there?” to an Oxford professor. xoxo

  2. 63mago

    Oxford-Cambridge kind of rivalry between Kultur- und Naturwissenschaft – SNOWs Two Cultures. I should get up to date, last time I looked there was talk about a kind of combination / Synthese, but that’s years ago.


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