I forgot to take the photos. I’ve never done this before, always taken them on the day we did the bricklaying. I went out first thing and bought a lot of fruit and veg, then flowers, then picked more veg and went to the church. It only took us an hour and a half to get it all ready. I did baskets of produce – I like to see plenty of vegetables at a harvest service. They are all taken round to village pensioners afterwards by the oldest class at the school. I also did a fairly exuberant flower arrangement – I hadn’t been able to get the flowers I wanted and they were a bit random, so I went for the flamboyant look, with the view that I’d get away with it if I was confident enough.
Which is rather my philosophy, in my middle years, I admit.
I was right out of wine, except for the good stuff, and the champagne (actually just ordinary fizz, can’t remember what) in the fridge, so I went to the supermarket, which was really busy (for Yagnub, that is) and then shopping for the weekend, and then came back to make cakes for tomorrow. Have lunch and then make cakes, that is. I fell asleep.
Anyway, all done now and I babysat the children this evening, as their parents went to a party. This is the first time I’ve sat at the computer all day. After this, I shall watch an episode of The Wire, which I haven’t had time for all week.
As I haven’t photos of the wall yet, I thought you might like to see the slow worm that a friend found in the road the other day. I took the picture and there hasn’t been a suitable time to post it. If you aren’t fond of snakes, of course this isn’t one – it’s a lizard. I think it is very beautiful.