I had to write an official sort of letter to someone last week, which I hope is about the last thing I’ll have to deal with as churchwarden – which I’m not any more, the official swearing-in of the new one having happened this evening. It’s when the Archdeacon, during his Visitation, does his Charge. Which is less exciting than it sounds, being an instructive talk.
Anyway, I deliberately didn’t put my phone number on the letter because I wanted a written reply. So I was decidedly miffed when, having just arrived home from a meeting soon after 6 o’clock, I got a phone call from the chap who wanted to argue his case. It took 15 minutes of my time, and during the call he reproached me for not giving my number, which he’d had to look up. I explained, more politely than he deserved (and I’ve got to meet him next week so actually I’ll put it more forcefully then) that, if I’d wanted a phone call I’d have given my number. As it was, I told him that I need written confirmation of anything said as I’ll be passing the job on. But anyway, having just got in and not even having had a chance to put the kettle on yet, answering the telephone to a business call was not what I wanted to do right then.
This morning, I was doing computer stuff for several different things when the Sage asked me for an address. I looked it up from our mailing list and was just reading it out when the damn phone rang. There were three calls in ten minutes, two business ones for the Sage and one for me, they needed to be answered. It always happens. We never have a conversation or do any work without being distracted by the phone. I so prefer email, which doesn’t impose and gives a record of what took place.
A very good governors’ meeting today, where lots of people had things to say – sometimes it turns out to be only about three of us. And the two new governors volunteered for things, which they are obviously more than capable of doing well and, indeed, there were helpful offers all round.
At last, the only interesting bit about an election – the results. For once, I can forgive the pundits for speculating. I’m really quite tempted to stay up, but I’ve got to be out of the house by 7.30 in the morning. So I’ll probably get up early instead.
“a very good governors’ meeting”
nope, don’t know what you mean!
I saw the early hours, a couple of times (and switched the radio on for an update) but only briefly.
Ah, you’re Blue. All I can say to the people in one of your neighbouring constituenies who have gone from red to blue is god help them. I unfortunately know the new MP personally and he is a complete unscrupled ******* who cannot see fact for fiction in many things.
Still, at least it’s one more towards getting Goldfish out of his tank…
I’d much rather phone than email: 2 minutes on the phone and it’s all sorted in one go; 10 to compose an email, which will likely then elicit/require another reply.
I wanted to stay up and see Balls put out but fell asleep.
When you’re chairman, asking for volunteers and getting them and having relevant points well made is lovely. The job is so demanding, increasingly so, that you have to be very committed to it or you might as well quit. The demands made don’t take into account that we’re volunteers and amateurs.
We went to bed at 2 o’clock but only dozed and the Sage came downstairs to watch tv. I checked the BBC website every time I woke up.
I’ve gone right off the just-unelected MP in the next door constituency, having heard of his desperate attempts to get a few extra votes at a meeting the other night. He tried to curry favour by making promises that, even if re-elected, he would be in no position to keep as he wouldn’t have the clout and it’s too late anyway. He thoroughly undermined the hard work that our local schools are doing. If he’d won, I’d have written to him in strong terms about it.
I know, Rog. We were all hoping for that “Portillo moment”, just for the unkind pleasure of it.
Yes, BW, but if you have several specific points to clarify and you need it done formally for the record, it has to be done in writing. I set them out in a letter, he’s said various things back – I’ve got two people giving different information about some facts, both verbally.
I just replied to an email with a phone call, as it was quick and appropriate. But this wasn’t either. It was at the wrong end of the day, caught me out without the relevent information to hand, was a bad time to ring – after all, many people are just cooking or eating tea at 6 o’clock, he wasn’t to know we eat later. It was a business call so should have been made in business hours, but in any case it needs a follow-up letter, because I need the facts, or his version of them, in writing.
Wise words on the email front, however I do think writing letters does encourage adult literacy, so I have done both.
*letters do !!!!
Welcome, Corker, what a great name! Writing does though, so I think you were right first time.
If I want to be absolutely sure of what I say, a letter is best. There’s something about its level of formality that outranks an email. For that reason, I sometimes write a letter, attach and email it.
On the other hand, a hand-written letter is more courteous and friendly if it’s a personal thing, But I don’t do too many of those any more, I’m afraid.