I’ve been browsing a seed catalogue this evening. For several years, I’ve been growing a limited range of stuff as I’ve been supplying the shop to an extent, and growing a lot of young vegetable plants for Al to sell. But there’s no need for that any more – that is, if Tim wants me to grow anything I will, but I’m not planning to unless he asks. I’ll grow enough for us. A wider range of vegetables, but in smaller amounts. And I can grow flowers too, if I want.
One of the pleasures of this time of the year is looking through seed and plant catalogues, isn’t it. I’m not trying to wish the autumn and winter away, I take the seasons as they come and like them all, but it’s an enjoyable daydream, thinking of the fun part of gardening. The weeding is the least fun part as far as I’m concerned – I know there are those who enjoy it but the weeds grow back too fast for me to find it anything but a real irritation. It’s worse than housework.
I did find a forgotten bar of chocolate (sorry to those who’ve read this already) – Montezuma’s dark chocolate with orange and geranium, which is absolutely gorgeous. I thought I must have given it to Weeza as she likes it as much as I do. I also found peppermints, which I’ve eaten. Yes, I pigged the lot.I can eat one square from a bar of chocolate, but not half of something, and one or two peppermints from a paper bag but tend to work my way through a tubeful. Given a box of chocolates, I never eat more than two at a sitting and usually one. I eat more if it’s milk chocolate, though I prefer plain.
I must think about what I need to do before going away. I really could do without leaving immediately after our sale as there is a lot to do the next day anyway, and that means I have to get ready by Thursday really, which isn’t very me. I must haul out summer clothes again, I suppose – I don’t know what the weather is likely to be like. I’m really not very good at the holiday thing.
I must stop myself buying more seeds – having filled my garden with perennials, there really isn’t a lot of room for more plants.
We were in southern Sicily – just over the horizon from Malta – in October a year or two ago. Temperatures averaged 25 or so. Shorts and straw hat, as far as I remember, and sometimes an extra layer for the evening, especially if eating outside.
My small raised growing bed has arrived, with seeds and visual advice/suggestions, and am now quite excited at the prospect of Spring.
As for holiday clothes, isn’t silk, merino wool or the man made equivalent a good base layer to start with, whatever the climate?
Montezuma’s Lime and Chilli…yum
Look online for the weather! have fun.
Sunday market at Marsaxlokk followed by the best fish lunch at the smarty pants looking place on the harbour. Can’t remember what it’s called, umbrellas out side and an adorable and utterly charming owner ,( who I probably would have run off with if it wasn’t for the fact he was about 70 and I was being chaperoned )is a must!
That’s the thing about vegetables, Dave, they’re nearly all treated as annuals. And I’m sure you’ve got room for a few sweet peas and other climbers. A gardener has to raise some plants every year or become discouraging.
I looked up the temperature today and it was 19ºC at 9 o’clock this morning, which will be more than pleasant. I’ll pack a few layers.
Ad, that’s brilliant. How lovely. Do you still have to be careful what you eat?
I’ve got a bar of that in the cupboard too, Sarah! And I’ve made a careful note of your recommendation. My husband is in his 70s, age is no barrier for me. Ahem.
I hope you enjoy Malta. The Armoury of the Knights of Malta is well worth a visit, but take some of the labels with a pinch of salt. Come to think of it the last time I was there they were talking about recataloguing the collection so it may be better now.
Warm regards, Mike and Ann.
Everything in moderation, apart from some no-nos which I never enjoyed.
Safe journey, there and back, and inbetween enjoy!
Thanks, Mike and Ann. Carefully noted.
I’ve got as far as doing the washing anyway, Ad.
I haven’t thought much about Spring, only to plant a few bulbs. I hope this year, I will have an opportunity to enjoy my garden in Summer.
Enjoy your trip.
I’m put out you don’t need me to carry your bags. Pack more stuff.
I’m an obsessively light packer. My mother took everything, kitchen sink and all, and I can’t bear to take anything surplus as a consequence.
Nothing to stop me shopping once I’m there, though, I suppose…
That chocolate sounds amazing. I wonder if I can find any over here?
I’m in awe of your skill. Light-packing seems to be beyond me. That’s why all my luggage has wheels.