So, it’s the motherboard and it’s more expensive to fix than it’s worth. On the other hand, the stuff that I’ve never bothered to back up (yes I know) is still intact and Ro will be able to download it. So all I have to decide now is laptop or desktop, Mac or PC. First decision is made; the length of time I sit at the computer, I need to be as comfortable as possible. I can’t really justify having both, so a desktop it will be. The second question, I haven’t decided yet. I suspect I will end up staying with Macs, as it will require the least decision-making and very little adjustment to use, but I realise that this is quite possibly more sentiment than sense and that I could quite easily learn my way round a PC.
The car should be back soon, but then I’ll sell it. I’ll forgive something breaking down once, but not twice. It’s larger than I need and expensive to run and I don’t want it any more.
Last night was the AGM of our church. All 6 churches in our group hold their AGM at the same time; we have the first part of the meeting together and then divide into parishes. Our chairman (the Rector is the chairman, but can’t go to every meeting of course so there is a lay vice-chair as well) had to attend another church’s meeting, so asked me to chair, and then I had a phone call from the secretary saying that she thought she was coming down with flu, so I took minutes as well.
I’m afraid I did nearly all the talking. I was awfully bossy. Yes I know, darlings, you will find this almost impossible to believe, but it’s true. From reading out the minutes of the last meeting (I explained that it was not worth printing out copies for everyone as they had already been approved) to taking nominations for the PCC, to reading out my Churchwarden’s Annual Report, I took over. I was a little self-conscious, but it didn’t stop me.
I was remarkably good and cycled to the meeting, having already been into town during the day, although it was quite some way. Coming home was rather more effort as it involved cycling up Bridge Street, which has a steepish little hill at the top; and it was nearly 10 o’clock at night by then. The battery in my front light was starting to get a bit dim, and as I hit the road out of town, I had half a mile without lights. Luckily, there are white lines in the middle of the road or I’d really have had to get out the batteries that I, being a sensible and provident woman, always carry in a pannier, and change them. I’ll get a better light by next winter anyway; this one is bright, but such a narrow beam that cycling along a dark road involves more sense of direction than accurate knowledge of my whereabouts.
The village school, where I used to be governor for 18 years, has just received the highest possible evaluation in its Ofsted inspection. I’m so glad. It is a wonderful school and being part of it, and having done some quite useful things there, is something I’m proud of. There has been a great deal of staff illness in the last 3 years (all quite unrelated to each other) and, indeed, two staff members have died, but somehow they have all pulled together and not only coped but reassured the children and kept spirits,as well as standards, high.
Computers and cars are useful when they work (pah), but one has to keep things in perspective. None of it matters after all, it’s all about people and relationships really.
Which reminds me, I had a most gratifying welcome from the Sage when I got home. Flowers, champagne, English asparagus, a steak which he cooked just as I like it, rare, although he doesn’t. I was leaning against a cupboard in the kitchen munching a lettuce leaf when he approached. “Am I in the way?” I asked, before hastily swallowing my lettuce leaf as I realised that he was all set for a Clinch.
We went next door to say hello, and Dilly opened another bottle of champagne which they just happened to have in the fridge. What sensible people we all are.
Very nice to have you back, too.
You can get a lovely iMac for about £650, but a relatively good PC for less. I’d stick with the Macs personally, but that’s me. Windows is not intuitive to me, I find it all a pain in the arse compared to Mac OS.
Ah, you’ll figure it out. x
Interesting decision process. On the Mac/PC, I’d say stick with what you know, unless you’re unhappy with it. And on the other question, I’d take a laptop every time. You can have it on a desk when you’re “working”, but you can also have it on your lap when you’re watching tv. And you can take it to wireless hotspots. And Madrid.
Oh, I just read the end of that post! That is so lovely, and heartwarming.
With any luck I will never have to chair a church meeting again.
You may stop blogging for the next three weeks, if you wish not to land me with a backlog to read when I get back from my little trip. Ta.
Laptop with a separate screen and keyboard (just be be contrary!) and most definitely PC because it’s compatible with everyone else… as you say, it’s all about people & relationships ;-D
Have fun choosing xx
champagne: the soother of all woes what a great way to close an evening.
Will avoid getting too techy tho will say, I had an old G3 Mac tower, which was very, very slow, so I took out the hard drive, put it in a ‘cradle’ and now use that with my G4 iMac. Weeza has a point too, needn’t be toooo expensive, I know of a Mac refurb company/site that could be of interest, email me if you require it.
And good work, Sage.
To ensure you have time for the people in your life, rather than fiddling around with a new technology, go for the Mac…
The new mac’s are compatible with everything now. The new imac is stunning to look at and lighting fast. Wendy wants one. Enough said ?. Z don’t go to the dark place….you are much too lovely.