Your New Year’s Resolutions |
![]() 1) Get a pet parrot 2) Eat less garlic 3) Travel to Greece 4) Study animal behavior 5) Get in shape with pilates |
Thanks to Cinn for this one. I think I’m doomed to fail, however – I want a puppy not a parrot, I think you can’t eat too much garlic, I’m going to Spain, not Greece (although come to that my friends who have a holiday home in Corfu might sweep me up one day – they would have last September if I’d had time). I do continue to study animal behaviour, however, and possibly pilates isn’t out of the question, though I’m still banking on cycling.
Talking of cycling, the wind was so strong today that at one point I had to get off and walk as I was having to stand up on the pedals to make any progress at all. It was equally windy this week last year. I’ve a couple of hours off, as both Eileen and Tim are in the shop today. Just as well, for I have to get ready for my meeting tomorrow morning and my brain is disengaged at present.
Mine is to never risk the ramifications of potentially having my blog found and read by my ex.
AAGH! I should think not, indeed.
My brain is also disengaged – it has been since November!
Mental time out is a good thing you know.
I’m chairing the bloody meeting, unfortunately.
You could try a ‘power nap’
Best idea I’ve heard all day.
I’ll cuddle up with Tilly on her armchair for twenty minutes 😀
I must be going cross-eyed: I read the first resolution as ‘Eat a parrot’.
Anyway, no resolutions for me. I know I won’t keep them – I’ve had over 60 years experience of failing.
These were chosen for me – no need to try very hard to keep them!
sablonneuse isn’t the only one – I read that as “get in shape with pirates”.
Could be fun, though.
One that the gadget threw up for me was “Travel to NZ”. How the feck did it know?
Get in shape with pirates is one resolution I might attempt. I’m not sure how though
The internet knows everything – as well as bugger all, of course
Travel to France is nice but buy a pet rock? Also said to study pilates..did it tell everyone this?
No, Cinn was advised to try rock climbing – she was also told to get a pet rock. Personally, I don’t climb pets.
Thanks for that, Z. I did a few of the “quizzes” on the same site and I appear to be a sensitive Australian (!) emo-rocker who needs to do more capoiera. Hell’s teeth!
And I’d stick to eating lots of garlic and cycling if I were you.
Do go to Greece if you get the chance – I used to consider it my spiritual home. Have just sent off for the Pilates video.
‘Get in shape with pirates is one resolution I might attempt. I’m not sure how though’
Meeting Johnny Depp would be a good start:)
Watching a pilates video is my kind of exercise. As is meeting Johnny Depp…
Exercising with Johnny Depp while cycling in Spain with my pet rock in his pocket.